Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I'm glad to know someone thinks Impy is going to be handsome. Right now we just call him the butthead. He's so full of testosterone everyone avoids him, even the other cockerels.

Ivy is the largest of my turken pullets and.....don't tell the others I said this....the most beautiful.
Hi! Long time, no see and lots of new Naked Neck pics to admire --- beautiful birds, y'all!
High excitement here. The first group of (black Naked Neck green-egger hen x blue barred Rock) youngsters have STARTED LAYING just this week. Every one from that cross I've hatched so far, has had a distinctive waddy pea-ish comb so I *hoped* they would inherit the blue egg gene as well... and the 4 oldest girls that just started laying --- lay green eggs! HooRay! And a different shade of green than any of my other green-eggers. I've sold a boodle of feather-neck pullets from the cross AS 'green-eggers' (I said "they would likely be green-eggers").
But that's not the exciting part.
I finally got my melanotic blue/black hens set back up with their new Naked Neck mates.
I have a blue and a black, single comb black-skin girls (brown-eggers) with a sc comb blue giant NN male,
and a blue and a black, pea-ish black-skinned girls (green-eggers) with a huge prehistoric pea-ish combed NN black male.
I'll be setting the first of their eggs tomorrow!

baby got BACK!! Here's my best showgirl roo I hatched this year. He still has a pea comb like his dad, but his neck is even darker than the last generation, and he has super toe spacing, and better blue ear lobes than dad. His mom was SQ white silkie. Lookit that CUSHION!!! Here is a closer shot of his head. His dad had a small, flat crest.

HooRay! Very nice thing about mild winter areas- possible to raise chicks through the winters.. sure helps have projects move along faster!

Are your roosters solid colored or do they have some color showing up on saddles and wing bows? FINALLY have one cockerel that isn't showing any color in those areas.. but he is not anything special otherwise.. no melanotic, doesn't have blue egg gene etc. Great, one more rooster to raise and keep.......

Showgirl roo is nice! It is very hard to hit on a rooster that keeps the dark color on their necks!
Hi! That is a FABULOUS white Naked Neck Silkie! I could sure use him here.
The single comb blue NN boy is clean blue. The pea-ish comb black NN boy has some red in his wings, no red in his saddle feathers (I had to go out with a flashlight just now to check for sure). I hatched manymany chicks just to get these 2 guys, and expect to hatch manymany more to get a few for the next generation.
It's a *long-term* project and I'm patient.
I've pretty much set eggs every week/10 days year-round since my first incubator in '05 --- I missed a set or 2 and went 20 days a couple times.
I thought you were working on laced NN's? And they are ALWAYS SPECIAL! What color solid roo? A project?

Hi! Yes it is. I've got an email address posted for just that reason (and other contact info on 'my page').
I've got the splash Frizz Green-Egger boy with the blue/splash Ameraucana girls, but pretty much across the board --- all my Am' girls have stopped laying. They're consistent about that.
The chicks will be fabulous when the girls are laying again.
Don't wait on byc messages --- email or call me.

Hi! That is a FABULOUS white Naked Neck Silkie! I could sure use him here.
The single comb blue NN boy is clean blue. The pea-ish comb black NN boy has some red in his wings, no red in his saddle feathers (I had to go out with a flashlight just now to check for sure). I hatched manymany chicks just to get these 2 guys, and expect to hatch manymany more to get a few for the next generation.
It's a *long-term* project and I'm patient.
I've pretty much set eggs every week/10 days year-round since my first incubator in '05 --- I missed a set or 2 and went 20 days a couple times.
I thought you were working on laced NN's? And they are ALWAYS SPECIAL! What color solid roo? A project?


Awesome! I will want to see them someday.

Yep patience and numbers is a virtue.. my problem is I'm allergic to chick dander so no bators here, have to either use hens or hope a friend will cook the eggs for me.. he only has his bators on in the spring and summer when the peafowl are laying though. (found a new victim who loves running bators...... yay!)

That was my original plan- solid colored melanotic birds. Totally failed at getting ANY even colored roos. Not even a one! Always end up getting white or brown in the saddles.. just gave up and decided to go laced route if I can't get even colored and did crosses with laced chickens this spring. And wouldn't you know it.. an even colored roo showed up.. GRR!
Thinking of keeping him and breeding with the black melanotic girls and see if he will throw even colored sons.. So far I'm liking the birds out of the laced cross a lot also seems not to affect the melanotic much, whew.. this plan stays in the works.

Lavender split bantams hopefully will start laying in a month of two. Two are melanotic, yay.. want to see if it's a good color combo.

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