Naked Neck/Turken Thread

He does have the Godzilla look going for him.

I never thought about mosquitos.

@ShayBaby sorry you have those same hatching problems, but glad I'm not crazy. Assisted hatches are completely doable, if done right the survival rate is very high.
I must be doing something wrong, because every one I've assisted, if it makes it the first couple days, doesn't survive past the first 6 months. I'll certainly work on it, though, as I'm sick of seeing fully-developed dead babies. I'm sure there's nothing basic about it, but do you basically determine approximately when Junior should be fully cooked and start slowly busting him out yourself?
I must be doing something wrong, because every one I've assisted, if it makes it the first couple days, doesn't survive past the first 6 months. I'll certainly work on it, though, as I'm sick of seeing fully-developed dead babies. I'm sure there's nothing basic about it, but do you basically determine approximately when Junior should be fully cooked and start slowly busting him out yourself?

I eagle eye watch the eggs and listen when it is lockdown time. I do the lock down and fill w/ water like everyone else, but I note when start hearing peeping, and when the first pip happens. If they go much more then 10ish hours w/o progress, especially after external pip, I assume shrink wrapping and start the assist process. I start w/ the external pips. I put the bator in the bathroom turn on the hot water and the heater (even in summer) before ever opening the bator. Depending on how advanced the shrink wrapping is I usually have to go ahead and open even the ones that haven't externally pipped. There is the danger of opening some that aren't ready, but those are just as shrink wrapped as the rest and won't make it anyway.

This past hatch I had 30 eggs at lock down, 2 hatched on their own, 1 died at 2 days, 6 were dead when I opened them, 2 died after I opened them, one was breech and I couldn't find the beak in time, and the other had a large hernia and bled out when the cord came detatched. 19 are healthy happy chicks. Over the past couple of years those I assist all make it to adults and are healthy.
I do have chicks besides Rudy, here are a few pics of the 6 weekers

This is the boy w/ the rock star eye liner as a chick, I think he will be unconventional looking

This is EB (eager beaver, first to hatch) Thought boy from hatch still think boy

Had 3 red laying hens, out of 60 eggs to set I get one red chick and it is a boy!

This one I've been convinced from hatch is a girl, the white splotches are giving me pause, but for now I'm still thinking girl

Still thinking girl on this one, she is EB's twin except for the red eye liner

I think this boy is going to be striking looking, birchen w/ top knot and fm skin
Kassaundra, you can call that first one KISS. Unless you are a master seamstress/tailor, when my Rudy gets mature, you should have a wardrobe of silk capes, gloves and leggings for cool weather and some of that space-age material for colder nights.
Kassaundra, you can call that first one KISS. Unless you are a master seamstress/tailor, when my Rudy gets mature, you should have a wardrobe of silk capes, gloves and leggings for cool weather and some of that space-age material for colder nights.

That is what I was calling him when he was younger and the eyeliner was soooo obvious.

I think you're right. I've never seen a boy with that soft tan (guess you'd call it a pastel tan?) color. I have not ever seen it on anything but Easter Eggers though. I think it is a pretty color though. Think that is from Mensa's line?

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