Names of your Chicken Domains ?

Ours is Fort Scramble
Fort Scramble............!!!!!!!!!! How hysterical!!!!!!

I love it! I call mine "The Chicken Tower".

Because I was in a rush to get the house built, to save time, I went with the idea that the less wood I had to cut, the faster I'd get it built. So, since my 2X4's were 10 feet long, I made the walls 10 feet high!! It's high in there! Hence....The Tower! LOL

(Now when people comment on it, I act all knowledgable and say something to the effect of...well chickens need a high place to roost at night! HaHa!)
I'm not so great at naming things. Our property is long and narrow, and we're in the flight pattern of a small, local airport. I was going to call our place Landing Strip Farm, until a young friend of mine told me what a "landing strip" means to those in GenX and younger.
I breed show dogs and my kennel name is Signature. So when I got into birds I decided to keep the Signature name. So my birdy name is Signature Feathers.
Our farm in Ocala is next to JumboLair Aviation Estates and John Travolta has a home there. Talk about noise when he takes off in his jet!!! Oh and he sometimes takes off at 3am it's so loud sometimes it rattles the glass in the windows. I'm thinking of name a roo & a hen after him & his wife next batch that hatches!! I'm still in the air on a name for my coop.

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