Naturally Worming Chickens

The only problem I have with natural wormer's is knowing how much is the right amount and if they are really working. I have looked for amounts to give chickens but it seems to be so different from person to person,
So sorry about the roaming dogs. My first ever flock of 10 is now 8, due to a neighbor's cat and a visiting friend's dog.
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I use cayenne powder, about 2to tablespoons for 12 birds along with one freshly minced clove of garlic per bird. Hope this helps! 3 days in a row as a prevenative and 10 days in a row for active infestation with symptoms. Hope this helps and you haven't given up on this thread:)
Does it have to be cayenne pepper or will chili powder or black pepper work as well? The wormer I got from the feed store (piperazine, the only one they carry) doesn't work and I've no idea where to get any of the other medications (the local vet hospital couldn't even help!) DE worked wonders on external parasites but doesn't do squat for the worm situation. So, I'm kinda stuck to having to try whatever natural remedies are out there. (Not a bad thing; in fact, I prefer to go natural but the worms are quite bad in a couple of the hens!)
oh boy i have a listless blue andalusian hen and her big floppy comb is getting dark purple starting at the tips...she was craning her neck and opening her mouth a lot last week but that seemed to stop only i heard its a sign of worms. she is acting so dopey. moving real slow. feed store said prolly is worms so i used something they have there not even thinking. Wazine 17 (piperazine base). is that bad? a vet said its ok to eat the eggs after using that stuff...but definitely not antibiotics. If i wasn't in such a panic that she was about to die i would have come here first to research. I isolated her but i'm put the meds in all the hens' water anyway just tonight. ugh!!!
Well, yesterday the neighbour gave me 3 wheelbarrowfuls of pumpkins - minus the seeds :barnie Turns out the pumpkins he was growing were for their seeds only! Anyway, they're gobbling them up like crazy. I also picked up powdered cayenne at the grocery store today - will coat their breakfast pellets with it over the next several days and will post my results when I have some. The one hen that is DEFINITELY infested insists on pooping on my porch so she will be my guage. ;)

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