Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Hello, people from Nebraska! I will be traveling thru your state on Interstate 80 going East to Gibbon, then going North to South Dakota on 385 at the end of May. I am looking for breeders of Wheaton Ameracaunas, Barnvelders, and Lemon Cuckoo Neiderrheiners, Salmon Favarolles, Tolbunt Polish LF. Anyone out there??

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If there is anything (EGGS) I can bring someone from North Idaho or Spokane WA area just let me know. I am sure my handling is way better than the USPS. :D
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Black Copper Marans for sale. Six weeks old. My take is 1 Rooster and 2 Females. 40.00 for the three. I wanted them for the egg color. Reality is, I must downsize. They are sweet and quiet. They love the safety of the basement and the their red light. But do like to play outside with cover over head and a fence around them. (you would think I was selling my first born)

Hi all! Hope everyone is having a nice spring (though it feels like summer already!). We've recently completed our mobile "summer coop", which we hope to use for breeding or quarantine if the need ever arises.

In the meantime the new coop has been helpful to ease our youngest birds into life outside. Even between the 2 coops we're bursting at the seams! If anyone is looking to add some beautiful roosters to their flock, we have some we'd like to get rid of. We've also got some pullets that will be great layers and hardy winter birds:

Oiseauii the mobile looks very well made.
I live in the city so cannot have a rooster.
BUT the thing I have to say is that I pay a rancher up north in NE
to grow up his roosters (or what is left in the freezer) and I buy
them for my freezer. they are on the old side.
Have you ever thought or know of someone who does
this around here closer in.
As of now I cannot butcher my own flock in the backyard
they go back with us three years. Tooooo much bad karma.
I forgot to mention there is a Duncan Poultry Processor.
Not too far from Omaha.
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My wellie babies are enjoying their first day outside. Moved the whole brooder out for a few hours this afternoon. They still have a heating pad so I didn't put them in the chicken tractor just yet. They're loving it out here tho. They keep stretching their necks to get a better view!
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