Need advice for a predator proof run

I grew up with electric fences. Your kids will be fine with them. They’re not strong enough to do harm. I got shocked all the time. I was too lazy to go down and open the gate. I’d just duck through the fence. Every time a had a growth spurt I’d misjudge and get knocked down to my knees a few times. I survived and I’m almost normal.
Someone posted a thread titled "Chicken Prison," I would check it out for ideas. Its based around a chain link dog pen. The dog pen is a great way to press the EZ button and have a framework to reinforce.

I would reconsider the hot wire. It isn't a calculus problem. "Kids, see that wire? don't touch that wire." Or, teach them to use the cutoff switch. And, if they touch the wire, it won't do any damage. I've spent I don't know how many hours trying to reinforce a a coop roof and sides, and should have figured out a way to make the hot wire work, but was more limited by it being on a property line that is covered in shrubs.
If you go with wood, also get an electric staple gun.
And yes, Lowes or Home Depot will cut lengths for you, but you would have to plan out the sizes.

On the electric fence thing... I test mine at least a couple times a week by touching it myself. :D
As far as getting the skills to build/ becoming comfortable with the tools, you could always look at Home Depot/ Lowe’s, often they offer classes to beginner DIYers. It may be a good place to start:D
I am helping my hubby build our run & coop (and I have 0 experience too!) but I am thinking of checking out the classes offered so I can be more helpful. I have more free time than hubby does, so right now I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to show me the next step :lau
The electric staple gun will not drive staples that are predator proof, unless there are staples that fit an electric gun that I'm not aware of. You need fencing staples, or electrical staples to do an adequate job.

Agreed that having kids should not be a deterrent to getting an electric fence. Any child who is 4 years or older is mature enough to understand the concept of "do not touch". And if he does touch, he will receive a lesson in natural consequences of disobedience. Unless a person has a pace maker or other severe cardiac issue, touching an electric fence is not a big deal.

Also, electric fence chargers have an off switch. I bet there are even some that can be put on a timer. You could leave it off during the day if that makes you more comfortable. Personally, I prefer to leave it going all the time unless I'm working with the fence. That way, pets don't get confused by it being off or on.

I test my fence by removing my shoe and dangling my toe in the damp grass while touching the fence. Yep... it works!!!
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