Need advice from leghorn owners on wing clipping


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
I'm thinking ahead to my next flock. Currently my chicken's run has six foot fencing all around except the front is only four feet high. Currently my RIR, Delaware and Gold Comet chickens are unable to fly over with clipped wings. However, I'm considering at least one leghorn in my next flock. Can anybody with these birds tell me if they will still be able to clear a four foot fence after a good clipping (both wings as far down as you can go).
Thanks in advance,
I know that my Leghorns (adopted from a neighbor) can clear a 6 foot fence with un-clipped wings... not sure about clipped... we haven't gotten that done yet... I'm curious to see what other people say. The ones I have seem to be "Houdini chickens"... seems they can get out of anything... I watched one fly over a 6-7ft high dog kennel side...
I'm pretty sure this is one of those urban legends that gets spread on this site. It keeps getting reposted to the point that it is the sacred cow of wing clipping.
Unclipped the dang leghorns can fly up on to the 1st story level of the roof without batting an eye.

One wing clipped leghorns some how can still manage to clear a 5 foot fence, just a bit unbalanced in flight vs full two wings.

Two wing clipped leghorns can still manage to jump and flap feverishly to the top of a 4 foot fence. They fly more balanced than a single wing clipped bird, but flap a whole lot harder and seem to still be able to fly.. sor tof.

Two wing clipped leghorns so much that all primary AND secondary feathers are gone can sometimes make it to the top of a 3 foot fence but should be kept in pretty well by a 4 foot fence... they just look a bit funny because they have stubby arms vs wings.

When they are over a year old, they don't tend to fly out of things as often. Just got to make it past their 3-10 month stage where jumping fences are fun... or perhaps that is ironically the time when the garden has the best things to eat in it....
This is what I was going to say too.
This is what I was going to say too.

I need to start a thread about chicken forum urban legends.
This is what I was going to say too.

I need to start a thread about chicken forum urban legends.

x2. I clipped my leghorn wing and she still can fly over a 5' fence. Alittle off balance but can make it over non the less.
I'm thinking ahead to my next flock. Currently my chicken's run has six foot fencing all around except the front is only four feet high. Currently my RIR, Delaware and Gold Comet chickens are unable to fly over with clipped wings. However, I'm considering at least one leghorn in my next flock. Can anybody with these birds tell me if they will still be able to clear a four foot fence after a good clipping (both wings as far down as you can go).
Thanks in advance,
I clip both wings of my Leghorns and they can still jump 4 feet high. To compensate for that and my 4 foot fence, I put chicken wire up tied to poles all around the perimeter at 6 foot high. My neighbors don't like it, but it's better than getting one of my girls mauled to death by one of their dogs.

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