**Need Advice on Golden Pheasants!!**


13 Years
Jun 15, 2009
I'm thinking about possibly getting some golden pheasants and I have a few questions...
1) Can they live in with my chickens and ducks?
2) Can I clip their wings so they don't fly over my fence? (it's about 5ft high)
3) What is the ratio of male to female?
4) How big are they compared to chickens? I'm wondering if they could fit through my main fencing?
5) How big are their eggs? Are they big enough to be worth eating?

I think that's all
I have had mine in with chickens before so thats a Yes. The wing clipping I'd say would work never did it. Their eggs are about the size of a small bantam egg so it would take quite a few to make a meal. Most say to either keep a pair or a trio and I've heard a few people say that even in a trio the male and the more dominant hen will pick on the less one. Right now I have one red gold hen, 2 lady amherst hens, 2 lady Amherest roosters and a silkie roo and a D'uccle hen shareing a space right now.. Wildly enough they all get along.????

Edited to add their about the size of a bantam chicken
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1) no they should not live with chickens or ducks
2)you can,but I don't think it will help they can still flap and crawlplus you can't stop hawks owls and others from flying down and swooping them
3)1 male can breed up to 8 hens with no problems
4)they can walk through the 2x4 wire
5)yes their eggs are big enough to eat.about the size of a bantam egg.
They should be in a covered pen with lots of branches for hiding and nesting.
In N.H.,Tony.
1) no they should not live with chickens or ducks
2)you can,but I don't think it will help they can still flap and crawlplus you can't stop hawks owls and others from flying down and swooping them
3)1 male can breed up to 8 hens with no problems
4)they can walk through the 2x4 wire
5)yes their eggs are big enough to eat.about the size of a bantam egg.
They should be in a covered pen with lots of branches for hiding and nesting.
In N.H.,Tony.

Okay so first, we have a low down tree that covers most of the chicken run.. and then they can go out little doors into our huge horse area. So I got a reply saying they could live with chickens and two that said they couldn't? The add on CL for them says they are living with chickens now so I don't think that should be a problem... Also, I have read posts that say they don't need much space at all.... One last question, can/will my cats eat them?
Pheasants should not live with chickens or ducks because they are very susuptible to diseases.They should be in a pen by themselves to prevent any disease from getting to them.
They can live with chickens,but they shouldn't.
In N.H.,Tony.
As peafowl chicks, Pheasants should not live with chickens. Your chickens carry diseases that will kill your pheasant. Also if the pheasant can find a hole to get its head in, it will escape confinement. When your chickens come in, your pheasants will not and even clipping the wings, you will have a very hard time catching them when full grown.

Here is my set up and it is not finished. I am adding a flight area for the peafowl and pheasants.

Chickens on the right and peafowl and pheasants on the left. In the beginning I lost many peachicks by raising them with the chicks and pheasant are not much different than peachicks.
If your looking for a pheasant breed that might actually stick around free range, might I suggest Silvers.I have extras that free range and are somewhat tame unlike Goldens.If my Goldens are given the chance they are gone rarely to be seen again as yours would be also.And please take the advice of other posts before mine and do not run pheasants with your chickens,it will be a death sentence for them eventually.You may get by with it for a while but in the end it will not work out.


Oh by the way if you do get some and they get mature enough to lay,I will pick up the postage and send you chicken eggs for your Golden eggs even trade if your planning on having them for egg production.
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