Need help narrowing down breeds!

david kim

6 Years
Sep 9, 2017
Hi guys, need some help getting started.. I've asked on reddit, went to a backyard chicken 101 class today, looked up breeds on this site, and google searched. Theres a lot of contradicting information and its just confusing me more and more. I only want 2 maybe 3 birds max. I was originally set on getting a few white silkies but I've been told they like to fly, amount of eggs they lay seem to differ among different sources by a lot.

Heres my criteria,
I'm only interested in harvesting eggs never meat.
Small to medium chickens that lay medium sized eggs.
Friendly, docile, easily adaptable to weather. I live in Atlanta GA
Quiet quiet birds- most important
Chickens that dont fly- second most important

Some help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Silkies don't fly very well in my limited experience with them.

I'm fairly certain that all hens will sound the "Egg Song" after laying an egg. Other than that cochins and brahmas seem fairly quiet in my experience. They are on the larger side, but that means they are not going to fly. I'm sure somebody somewhere has had a quiet Leghorn and a noisy Cochin.

There are also bantam versions of the cochin and brahma, but I'm not sure about their flying ability.
Large fowl Orpington's are great.
They lay medium size eggs,
They are very friendly and docile.
They don't normally fly but if they do just clip their wings,
I am just curious how you feel about broody hens? I myself have had them and NEVER want them again, but others love broody hens. The only problem I have run into with just 2 hens is if one dies you need another? In my opinion introducing new hens is not easy, have done it but... wow.
Silkies are not great layer go broody often and lay very small eggs. They are more of a pet chicken or a chicken you use to sit on fertile eggs. If you want small to medium chicken that will lay daily I would recommend standard Easter egger. Weigh about 4# lay medium to large eggs are great layer. Very friendly birds
I second Easter eggers I have 5 and I get 4-5 eggs nearly everyday. Also there are exceptions for the silkies not laying a lot mine lays 4-5 eggs a weeek but yes they are small.

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