Need Help QUICK!!!-- Update---Pictures on pg. 5


8 Years
May 23, 2011
My brother in law was cutting hay today in a nearby field. They didn't see the duck nest until it was too late, and momma duck died. My nephews knew I had an incubator up and running and quickly came and got me. We brought the eggs in and placed them in the incubator. I am not positive on what kind of duck eggs these are, but need to know quickly what temp they need, and humidity level. There were 3 eggs that were cracked so I let the boys crack open one to try and determine how far along these ducks were in developing. The duck was alive! And looked to be nearly finished developing! What is the temp and humidity for hatching? And if there are some late developement candling pics that I can compare what I have too that would be great!
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Just finished looking at some candling pics. It appears these guys are on day 24 or 25. When do they go into lockdown?
Odds are they are a mallard of some kind so they should go into lockdown immediately. They should hatch around day 28.
Do keep us posted! I am curious if they make it
Okay, I have them in the hatcher. Temp is 100 , humidity is currently at 67% but I'll work on raising that. I did candle 2 eggs, and did see movement, but no bill in the air cell. I will definately keep you all posted. This has been a very eventful evening!
oh, by the way. What do baby ducks eat? I have 24 chicken eggs set to go into lockdown on Monday, so am set up for baby chicks, but was not planning on baby ducks. Can they eat the same as the baby chicks? Can baby chicks and baby ducks be put together??

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