Need help! WIld 20+ ducks keep getting in the coop daily

Yes it is so sad. I will not kill them or eat them. They are all so sweet and follow you like dogs. I will definately cry from guilt when they trap them. They didn't ask for this and don't deserve it.

We have lost one chicken already and the others are not feeling well. I looked in everyone's mouths and didn't see wet pox (but I am new to this. These are my first chickens and I for them back in May). My 2 wyandottes who are the only ones at the moment who have dry pox for sure were both fussy about me opening their mouths and there was a slight slime/mucus. Poor things. I have an antibiotic but the man at the feed store told me it probably wont help and it has to run its course. That we will lose more :-( I hate watching them suffer and not being able to help. Definately doing the vaccine with any future babies.

Thank you everyone for all of you feedback. It has really helped to decide what really needs to be done...even if it is the last thing I wanted to do. I was in denial that there would be another option around it and just keep them out of the yard.
Yes it is so sad. I will not kill them or eat them.  They are all so sweet and follow you like dogs. I will definately cry from guilt when they trap them.  They didn't ask for this and don't deserve it. 

We have lost one chicken already and the others are not feeling well. I looked in everyone's mouths and didn't see wet pox (but I am new to this. These are my first chickens and I for them back in May).  My 2 wyandottes who are the only ones at the moment who have dry pox for sure were both fussy about me opening their mouths and there was a slight slime/mucus.  Poor things. I have an antibiotic but the man at the feed store told me it probably wont help and it has to run its course. That we will lose more :-( I hate watching them suffer and not being able to help. Definately doing the vaccine with any future babies.

Thank you everyone for all of you feedback.  It has really helped to decide what really needs to be done...even if it is the last thing I wanted to do.  I was in denial that there would be another option around it and just keep them out of the yard.   
Sorry about that.
As a last resort I may have to call someone to trap them. I wish I didn't have to. I was just wondering if there was anything they were afraid of that would keep them away :-(
I have it on very good authority that ducks are deathly afraid of the roasting pan or a duck press.

Seriously, Muscovy ducks are not wild ducks and therefore they are not protected by state or federal migratory game laws, Muscovy ducks non-the less are waterfowl and as such they can easily expose your chickens to Avian Influenza. The mear fact that the ducks test positive in the future and that they have been in contact with your chickens is a death sentence for your birds whether they are ill or not.
Yes, they have to go. We have 3 small dogs that are exposed as well. That is this weekends project. Finding a trapper. Until then I am keeping the chickens in the coop...they are not happy campers. I may let them out for a little while but will have to shut the coop and bring out water to keep the ducks out.
I have a trapper coming out this weekend for an estimate. We have no choice to but to remove them. Aside from the troubles now they will get worse when they reproduce. In a perfect world they could be relocated, go to a rehab center, or a sanctuary. I called some places and no one will call me back. I know the trapper will most likely euthanize them. I just can't do it myself or watch.
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The ducks have already made her chickens sick. The best thing for the ducks is to be euthanized. There is no sense in rehoming them to make someone else's flock sick. Some times the tough solution is the only one.
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