Need pics of BIG runs- ideas for cheap run construction help!!


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
east texas
The kids and I are building a whole new part is already constructed pretty much. We are using the whole side of the barn which was 2 stalls and now will be 2 coops. So the dilemma is we want a big run for the chickens......not finding many ideas for huge runs. So the whole side of the barn is about 35 feet so width of run would be about 35 feet lol. we are going straight out from barn about 50-75 feet making the run almost a fat rectangle shape. We will have to have some kind of partition down the whole middle of the run to make 2 seperate runs attached to gether with 2 seperate coops. ok so next part is doing this on recycled materials and kind of making do with what we can idea. We need lots of pictures with different ideas!!!

Need to know how to support the ceiling wiring! Need ideas about the bottom sides....maybe tin for predators? use small wood for framing?

any photos and suggestions are MOST appreciated!!!!

Well I think it would be easier and cheaper to go with netting. I bought my netting on ebay but has some great prices too. I used 4x6" poles to support it mine is only a 15x20 run so its not even close to being as big as yours.



Here is a gigantic run I found on google. (This isn't mine

mines no where on the scale of yours, and I don't have to many predator concerns regarding the ducks(they've scared the cats and dogs away bad), I live in the city and squirrels and cats are the worst threat.
I buried the edge of the fencing6-8", because hte little jerks(ducks) kept escaping.
As soon as I finish breakfast I'm headed out to work on landscaping and mud reduction. If I didn't want duck crap everywhere I would let them free range the yard.

Mine is 24x24 and was easy to build, bottom is 4x6 landscape timbers, buried about 3-4 inches deep, and wire is buried about 4 inches past that.

Great runs!!! Thank yall!!! I like the flat tops....I don't know about the long pole method in the middle....maybe 3-4 long poles in center where the division is going downwards on each side? Still I don't know about the supports....I am LOADED with predators thus the reason for the new run....totally enclosed so far we have lost chickens in the past to :

coons galore
neighbor dog
some kind of wild cat

probably more I couldn't identify so our huge run (about 1/2 acre) which was fenced but not enclosed is now having to become enclosed for safety!!!
I kinda like it but not really, the only reason I did it is because my peacocks need a high perch to feel safe and be safe!
If I did like you did I would have to do 3 poles maybe in the center or it would droop down too far.........what about if something gets on top of there with that netting.....would it hold up to the weight of a critter on top of there? I know I am going to have critters to try and get in so the weight of whatever might climb on top would be a factor too.....does that make sense?
Hi there! Here is a pic of our run...
The picture shows a smaller run with a newer run being built over top. My uncle helped build the first one, which is way too short...we hit our heads on a regular
So we are building the taller and larger one over top.
Around the bottom we have the bottom board which is a deck board, buried halfway in a trench with the wire attached. after we filled in the trench we put patio pavers all the way around to discourage digging. Its still in process...the posts will be cut to length eventually, and we will take down the interior coop. For wire, we use hardware cloth. Its expensive that way, but we dont have to worry about anything getting in, so its worth it.

Here's a pic

Normally the girls do not free range..too many predators...but this was a supervised jail
I haven't had any critters on my netting, but it is very durable and if something did get up there is would hold it, sag but hold it. But why would a predator climb on top of netting when they could jsut dig right under?

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