Need prayers and support, please

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, for some reason my notifications are not working right.

Things are going ok, as well as can be expected. My son is doing better, but still struggling with not having his dad around. He prays nightly for God to bring him his daddy back.

I still don't understand what is going on with ex-bf. When he comes to watch our son he implies that he misses me and still sometimes talks like we're a couple, but we are clearly not. I don't know if he has something psychological going on; it would explain a lot, but I haven't seen any evidence of it. I know he was under a lot of stress right before our breakup though.

I am in counseling now, and it helps somewhat. I still have my good days and bad days, but for the most part I am focusing on supporting my son and healing myself.

Thank you all so much for caring. It really helps.
Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

The key here is waiting patiently and also rejoicing!! The Lord God do not want us to be sad. I'll pray for you and your son.


I don't know you, nor you me, but the little advice I can give you with regard to your son is to always be truthful. If you don't know for sure that he's never coming back, say that. When or if it's for sure he's not coming back, then you can tell him that but don't let your emotions or a depressed day or week lead you to say it prematurely. I agree with others, never let him hear you say or feel you mean anything negative about his daddy.

May God give you the guidance you need. And hugs to you.

P.S. I'm glad you're getting counseling. That will help you.
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I agree totally, Knobby! Kids are smarter than we sometimes give them credit and lying to them is about the dumbest thing you can do. It's difficult sometimes to explain adult things to children, but do the best you can. Remember that in his mind, half of himself is his dad...and if you dis dad by default, you're dissing him. My hubby left when our son was 2 and as difficult as it was, I worked really hard at keeping negativity about his father from him. He's 33 now and I'm glad I did. As he grew up, he sorted things out in his own mind and came to terms with it on his own and to this day doesn't have "issues" about it. When he was little, I offered some "excuses" as to why his father wasn't in his life..."he's really busy", "he's too far away". The actual case was that he just didn't care but I sure wasn't going to tell DS that! When he got older and saw that some of his friends had parents who were divorced but had their dads in their life and asked, I just said I didn't know. When I felt he was ready, I gave him his father's phone number and left the resolution to him. We discussed it and I said I'd support his decision whatever it was. He got in touch, they saw each other a few times and finally he figured out for himself that it was something he just didn't care to pursue. I think that's why he was okay with it...I never said bad things about "Dad" and he was completely in charge of handling things.

Glad too you're getting counselling...sometimes just thinking it over enough to talk about it really helps put things in perspective. Believe me, I know how difficult it is! Trust WILL get better :)
I will pray from my heart to God he give you power you handle your family problem ameen
still one thing make me confused you trust on God saying amen an asking for pray an another side he is ur boyfriend not husband but he is your son father.I am sorry to say that you must clear your relation in your heart may be its work .
I'm so sorry for you and your son I hope everything works out for the both of you and will keep you in my prayers!!! Just take it one day at the time it will get better eventually at least that's what I try to think!!
Praying all is going better for you and your son. I went through the same thing and as hard as it was to not say ugly things about their father I managed with God's help to keep it to myself. I now reap that reward of seeing my grandchildren and having a relationship with my children, something that that fool tossed out the window when he walked out that door. I let them know that he in the only way he knew how loved them and if he could he would have done things differently. When he called I always let them know he wanted to talk with them and they always said no thank you. Kids are smart and make their decisions based on how we conduct ourselves and emotions. Be tough and all work out for you both with God's help.

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