Need seed catalog recommendations, please!


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
I have always purchased my vegetable garden seeds from garden centers, Walmart, wherever I could find them. However, I am now looking into the joy of ordering seeds from a catalog for my spring planting.

I am looking for a variety of fruit and vegetable seeds, seedlings, as well as herbs and sprouting seeds. I would also like to grow some quinoa and maybe a small patch of alfalfa for the chickens (in the spring, I'm planting two varieties of sunflowers, seed corn, and flax just for the chooks, and we are planting quinoa and amaranth for us AND the chooks).

Can anyone recommend a seed company that will suit all my needs? I have come across several on doing Google and Yahoo searches, and I would also appreciate the input of my more experienced gardening co-horts here on BYC! I'm looking for variety and, of course, bargains and deals (aren't we all?? LOL), but most importantly, I am always willing to pay a li'l extra for better quality and higher yields.

I just got the most beautiful Baker Creek Heirloom catalog!

I am going to need to put myself on a seed budget
Check out Peaceful Valley Farm Supply in Grass Valley, CA.

We've just started dealing with them this year and will continue to do so as they have a great variety seeds and plants. Their customer service is fantastic, too! We got this years seed garlic, next years veggie/herb seeds from them and will be ordering some fruit trees and hardy kiwi plants from them in the next week or so.

Another great seed company is Bakers Creek Heirloom Seed in Mansfield, MO.

Hope this is some help!
We used this company for my ag class at school. They are all organic, have most of what you are looking for, and carry some unusual varieties as well. They are a little more expensive, but all the plants are heirloom variety and you will save money in future years by collecting the seeds from your own plants and planting them the following years.
My Baker Creek catalog came today as well! I love it! It makes me want to buy everything. Sadly, there is a large gap between the ordering and the planting of said seeds.
Sand hill is great I have never seen so many different tomato varieties in 1 place. They also have brooder greens for planting in outdoor runs and other types of heirloom veggies as well. They specialize in sweet potatoes.
there is also sustainable seed company and seed savers exchange. Seed savers exchange is my favorite, and their catalog is absolutely one of the most gorgeous ones out there. Baker Creek is also a good one.
Thank you all!

I will check into that Baker Creek place, Sand Hill, and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. Grass Valley, CA, is only about an hour and a half from me in the next county over (it's a pretty mountainous drive between here and there, though, which is why it takes so long to get there).

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