Need seed catalog recommendations, please!

Baker Creek has a store in Petaluna, CA. Don't know if it is near you, but it looks like a cool store.
I really, really, really like Burpee !

The catalogs are gorgeous, in fact 2012 is supposed to be sent out sometime soon here in December.
This year the front page is all about the "Boost veggies"... like tomatoes that have been found to have more lycopene, ect ect with other veggies.

I really love the variety of Burpee. They have Hybrids, they also have MANY Heirlooms of just about everything. It's easy on the site to navigate to just one or the other or both.

This year they have finally added trees... Apples, Peaches, ect ect. Then they always have a great many nice ornamentals, flowers, grasses, ect ect. Really a huge selection of everything. I think theres like 200 kinds of tomatoes on the site?
Plus the funny colored things... like purple tomatoes, blue potatoes, red carrots, ect ect.

They ship started plants to your door in spring/right time for planting... I know I'm planning on that this time.. love sprouting seeds but this will be more dependable for the tomatoes and veggies

And, if you don't like something within a year of purchase, they will refund it
I had a couple seed packets I had to get a refund on, think they had gotten damp, and they were quick and easy about it.
Thank you all for the great suggestions! I have ordered 4 seed catalogs thus far. I just may get myself into some serious trouble there. LOL.

I have made it my goal that within 3 years, I want to be raising/harvesting at least 75% of the poultry and produce that we eat. I think I wanna get a fishing license and start fishing again, too. Haven't done that in YEARS.

We're also going to be raising and harvesting some treats for the chickens (corn, BOSS, flax, amaranth, and quinoa). Our landlords have given us a very generous portion of their property for raising our chickens and having a yard, so we are dividing it in half. On one half, the part that goes up the hill, we'll have our free-range chickens. On the bottom half, we'll have a yard that will be beautifully landscaped with edibles plants and flowers. I watched a program on TV called "Growing A Greener World", and this lady had this BEAUTIFULLY landscaped yard & it was actually a fruit, vegetable, and herb garden! I started researching how to set up such a yard, and I've decided to try to start as many of my plants from seed as possible, preferably heirloom seeds, in pots. DH and I are looking into building a small greenhouse.

Does anyone have an "edible landscape" in their yard? If you do, care to share pics?
I just moved to my place two years ago and I have planted perrenial herbs so far. And some veggies which come up in the spring and some strawberries. I had a tiny grape vine but tripped over it when I was going to the chicken coop in the dark and broke it. I probably could have saved it but didnt. I love that concept. I have seen some nice photos in Urban Farm Magazine
I found a website where you just go in and put in your name/address information, and they connect you to 15 different seed company catalogs! So I signed up there & am anxiously awaiting the arrival 15 different seed catalogs! They include many that you good folks have suggested.

I am so excited because the chickens have left our frontyard a virtual moonscape! On one hand, that may seem like a bad thing, but what it means for me is that they have done almost all of the weeding & prep work for me! LOL! All I have to do is fence it off, till it up, and start planting! When we expand the back fence, the chickens are going to have about twice as much foraging space as they do now AND we are going to have a lovely, landscaped garden-yard that we can enjoy.
Jung's are very good.

Burpee's are awesome.

I think its PineTree. They are cheap and first order I got was great, second batch I think something went wrong and I got a refund if I remember right. Bad seed season or something, but they are honest. And CHEAP, did I say that.

Henry Field's old and true.

Park's is another one right up there with Burpee's.

Everyone, put MOONFLOWERS on your list for Spring. They are the most gorgeous night blooming "morning glory" type flowers I have ever seen in my life, and if you have patience, you can actually "watch" them open. HUGE white blooms that the night pollinators just love.
I'm so excited about this next spring's garden! I didn't get to do one this past year because our landlords sold our house & we had to move right in the middle of spring planting season. I am seriously planning and plotting out next spring's garden and getting my hands on canning jars and such!

We have a goal that within 3 years, we want to be raising/producing/catching at least 75% of what we eat. The only thing we will have to buy are beef, dairy, things like flour, baking soda, salt, pepper, spices and produce that we can't grow ourselves (things like mango and coconut that won't grow where we live), that sort of thing. We are going to get fishing licenses and start fishing, and we are going to be processing many of our own birds, plus we eat the eggs. We are really working on that self-sustaining thing. We got hit HARD when the economy went south & pretty much lost everything, so we know what it's like to do without. We are really blessed that we found this wonderful place to live where we have access to acreage on the side of a mountain AND are able to work off the majority of our rent. We have been given permission to grow our garden/yard as we see fit, so are moving the chickens back and making the yard a beautiful, edible landscape! Having had such a dip in our household economics has taught us a lot.... and we have come to find that farming/homesteading is more fun than not (except when it's cold... I hate the cold...)

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