Need some prayers for my puppy... update post #22 & post #101

My concern is.. if hes still selling pups out of there without them ALL being tested.....
if he is, hes a sick puppy...
I reaaaaaally would'ave waited until you got your money back to say anything. Now he can use it as an excuse to give you /nothing/ for it and be a smug donkey and pretty much be, "if you want it then sue me for it". Good luck alone about him paying vet costs back. I see such cases all the time on such shows as Judge Judy and the laws seem to generally only protect you for what was spent just to purchase the puppy. Some states however have more serious, "lemon puppy laws" - like here in Florida it's illegal to sell any dogs, cats, puppies OR kittens without a health certificate from a vet. Even if it's just in an ad through a newspaper or CL. It's still illegal without one if any money is exchanged for the animal.

I would take it down. Drop it. Wait to get your money back and whatever paid for that you hope to have paid for. THEN contact animal control or the proper authorities and have them investigate. Nothing then stops you from saying whatever you want as a review... as long as whatever it is is fact. You need to think about this puppy first and then other people second as selfish as that might sound.

Buuut how's puppy doing?
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Sending prayers for your puppy!
Depending on how sever the parvo is, this can affect the pups health for the rest of it's life.
If you run up a large vet bill you will probably not recover the money from the seller. Many contracts state that the pup must go back to them for a refund.
Call the seller and let him know you took the pup to his recommended vet and that the pup is there now. Tell him you want a refund and he can pick the pup up from the vets office. Meet him there.
As far as your review. If you only stated the facts, he can't sue you for liable or slander. You purchased a pup from him. His vet confirmed parvo. People need to be warned because if they just go into his shop and hold a pup with parvo, they can carry it to other dogs on their clothes. If you need to change your posting to just straight facts, do so. But keep the facts on there for others to read.
Don't let him bully you. Of course he wants the review taken down, it's bad for his business. I would also call animal control to let them know that shop has parvo. They should be able to advise you.
So sorry something as innocent as getting a new puppy turned bad for you.
I sincerely hope your puppy recovers.

I must add, tho, that purchasing a living animal is not such a simple thing!! Research should be done. There are zero good breeders who let their puppies be sold like a bag of flour from a store front. Zero.

When you buy a puppy in this way, you have no real recourse, no breeder to speak to, nada.

Immediate concerns are as you are finding out, contagious diseases. More insidious and long term are health issues that can run the gamut from hip or elbow issues, to seizures, to temperament issues, you name it. Breeders who sell dogs like corn or beans do not care about health testing or what happens to the pups once they have the cash in hand.

It pays to educate one's self just a little before walking into this type of purchase. Unfortunately, the store front puppy farmers count on you seeing the poor pup with the sad eyes and being unable to leave him behind.

Frankly I wouldn't bring another puppy into your house right now. Parvo is very contagious. One doesn't know the immunity level of a new puppy, maternal antibodies can fight off the vaccine benefits (to put it in layman terms).
Have you read the warranty on your puppy? Be prepared that you may have to relinquish the pup back to the shop. Never never never never buy a pet from a retail store.
For every pet you feel sorry for and buy, another takes its place. Once the market for these impulse buys dries up, poof ----- they will quit selling them. As long as they make money on their little bodies, they will provide more.
why should breeders let strangers into their facility? they can spread disease because they have just come from 5 other places and are price comparing..thats the stupidist thing people can do..turkeys barns,chicken barns hog barns do not let every stranger into the barns for the same brother-in-law wont even let strangers into his feed lot for the same reason,why should it be any different for dog breeders..
TOTALLY agree because the FULL experience isn't over until it is ALL over. The guy could be legit and just having an outbreak and trying his best to contain it. It is obviously his livelihood. Think about how it would feel to be in his shoes after trying to work with you, then accusations come up on the internet. I would be irate if someone did that to me and I was innocent and just trying to make it right. I do hope the pup makes it, and things work out for you. I imagine it is hard to think straight with all the emotions tied up into the whole ordeal, but give him a chance to make it right with you. He had to have known the vet would give full disclosure or he would not send customers to him/her. Patience is so hard to find during such circumstances. How is the puppy and your son doing?

If he is having an outbreak NO animal should be sold until the outbreak is over... now thats assuming that this is not the first in the "outbreak"
I guess "Puppy Zone" is kinda a red flag to me. I couldn't take a place called "Puppy Zone" seriously. Just doesn't sound professional to me? I don't know how to say exactly what I'm thinking. Anyone else kinda get where I am coming from?
What you mean is this is a pups for bucks retail outlet. That is what it is. Selling dogs like corn, or beans, or steaks.

FWIW, anyone who has been APPROVED by me to purchase a puppy is welcome to come visit in my home, and with my dogs, after puppies are 4 weeks old. I take reasonable precautions, asking people to please come to visit me wearing clean clothes, not visiting other doggy places first. Shoes stay outdoors, and hands get washed before touching puppies.

HOWEVER, I do not have "shoppers" visit my home. If you have not been through my (fairly extensive) approval process, sorry, no dice!

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