Need to rehome my remaining hen

Im looking to rehome my Dominique hen Annabelle. I've lost her sister two weeks ago to an egg related problem and now I'm losing my little Ruby to something that may be egg related. I don't want Annabelle to be by herself. She free ranges during the afternoon and is still laying. She's about 1 1/2 years old. I'm so heart broken about losing her sister but it's even worse I'm losing Ruby. She's the one who started my first Adventure into chicken ownership when she wandered into my backyard. I'm doing what people are recommending I do to help her but without a vet it's a total guessing game. Right now I'm giving her scrambled eggs and water in a dropper with Covid in it. Also a little colloidal silver as I know it won't hurt but possibly help. It's all I got before I can get her to a vet Monday.
I hate to give Ruby a death sentence but I've never had any luck trying to get my ill chickens well. I had a another chicken before the twins and spent tons of money and a month or so trying to get her well to no avail.
Im asking if anyone would take in Annabelle who can take good care of her and where she could be with others and be able to forage.
I live in Pasco county Florida.
I'm too far away, but she's beautiful!
Wait, your water has COVID in it?:eek:
Glad to hear it! Did your vet prescribe that probiotic powder they often give to cats and dogs or an antibiotic of some sort (hope you don't mind my asking, I'm curious)? Props to your vet for figuring it out.
No. Just an antibiotic and pain reliever.
The antibiotic is Ditrim and the pain reliever is Metacam.
I started her on plain yogurt this evening. My buddy told me to wait two hours after giving the antibiotic so I did.
She is bouncing back nicely. She's definately not a 100% of course but is on the path. I am sooooo relieved. She is a far cry than how bad she was from yesterday.
The doctor I take my chickens to is the only one I've found in the area who has some good knowledge on them. Thank God!
I'll look into that probiotic you mentioned. Or maybe this would be good to give them? See pic.


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That's great! Here is to hoping she fully recovers! 🍸

So far as probiotics, I'd stick to the yogurt if that's what your vet suggested. Our collie used to occasionally get stomach upset (particularly before we realized the poor guy was allergic to chicken), and our vet would give us something called FortiFlora. It is specifically for dogs, though, and I think there is a cat one as well. I was just curious, especially in case someone else runs into the same problem!

FWIW, I have been enamored of Doms since beginning my interest in chickens years ago. We're pretty far from you, though. ;)
She is doing much better. I am so relieved. She's on antibiotics until Wednesday. Been having a helluva time trying to get her to eat. Only thing I can interest her in is dried crickets. She just wants to forage. Been giving her yogurt in a syringe in the middle of her antibiotics so there is a multi hour gap. I know she's eating some as I feel some food in her crop. I usually offer treats to both Annabelle and her during the day. When Annabelle goes crazy for the teats it prompts Ruby to eat too. I'm sure the antibiotics are playing a huge part in her lack of interest in her food. I really don't touch antibiotics but in her case its saved her life. And the vet first and foremost saving hers.

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