Need to rehome my remaining hen

Oh no, I'm so sorry you lost little Ruby. You definitely did the best you could for her.

Instead of rehoming Annabelle, have you thought about maybe getting 1 or 2 new hens to keep her company?
Oh no, I'm so sorry you lost little Ruby. You definitely did the best you could for her.

Instead of rehoming Annabelle, have you thought about maybe getting 1 or 2 new hens to keep her company?
Hi there,
Yes, for about 1.5 seconds. Raising chickens was not a wise move on my part. It is too much work for me. I'm at work/gone 12 hours a day, run a house almost solely, and have two other projects going on. It is just too much.
On top of that, I don't seem to be very good at it and is too heart breaking. They are/were my pets.
Annabelle will be checked over by her vet on Thursday to make sure she is healthy. If anyone wants her and has a good home please let me know. Thank you.
Just an update. I found Annabelle a home, BUT, after talking to my vet have decide to keep her. The vet said she may get attacked all the time and possibly killed. He said she would be fine by herself. Its the only yard and life she's ever known. I have to do the best and responsible thing for her and keep her. Some day I'll get a huge chunk of my life back, for now I will have to spend even more time with her. I bring her into the kitchen almost daily now, to socialize, and walk with her in our yard every day. It won't last forever and its my responsibility that she be as happy as possible. Its not her fault and shouldn't be punished for just being alone.
We have a small flock of 5 chicks that we raised from an egg that are mixed with Dominque and our Rhode Island Red/white rock hens. They are probably around 12 weeks now and aren't aggressive. We started to let them free range with our other chickens and they do fine. We would love another Dominque hen if you change your mind about rehoming. We are trying to eventually have a small flock of Dominque chickens. They are such pretty birds.
We have a small flock of 5 chicks that we raised from an egg that are mixed with Dominque and our Rhode Island Red/white rock hens. They are probably around 12 weeks now and aren't aggressive. We started to let them free range with our other chickens and they do fine. We would love another Dominque hen if you change your mind about rehoming. We are trying to eventually have a small flock of Dominque chickens. They are such pretty birds.
Hmmmmmmm. We
We have a small flock of 5 chicks that we raised from an egg that are mixed with Dominque and our Rhode Island Red/white rock hens. They are probably around 12 weeks now and aren't aggressive. We started to let them free range with our other chickens and they do fine. We would love another Dominque hen if you change your mind about rehoming. We are trying to eventually have a small flock of Dominque chickens. They are such pretty birds.
Hmmmmm. Quite possibly. As long as she's happy and your current flock would be happy too. Are you in Florida? I'm in the New Port Richey area.

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