Neighbor filed a warrant against me after she saw me with a camera yesterday!

I have another neighbor down the road that has a rooster and he usually gets mine going. He is so loud that his crow echoes all around. Do you use one of these rooster collars? Is it based on the same principle that a dog choke collar works?
not exactly, look on they have a vid on there and youtube about it!
Check this out - seems humane and will quite a boy down to the decibel level of a hen:
I looked into this--watched a youtube video, etc. I don't think I could stand hearing him try to crow with that thing on.
Judging from the videos, it looks inhumane to me. I legally have the right to have as many roosters as I like, but right now I have too many young ones coming on line, even for me. I'm trying to keep it to only two. I may be doing craigslist soon, because I can't find any takers thus far for my young roos. I've never slaughtered one yet, but if I research it enough maybe I could learn.
not exactly, look on they have a vid on there and youtube about it!
The videos on youtube keep me from ever trying them. They do choke the roo. You need to have it on just right, very snug, but not too tight or you will restrict his air flow. Not for me. Have you tried one?
wait so what happened??
All's been quiet here for the past week. Have not heard anything from VDACS on the mothball issue and will call them next week to see if they've gotten to my case yet. I also sent the neighbors a cease and desist letter, but it was returned because they do not have a mailbox--only a post office box, so I wonder how VDACS will be able to contact them by letter. Their house was removed from the market and now a realtor has it listed, but no activity.

The last exchange of words that bothered me was on August 26th, when the husband and wife took turns calling my name and hollering "If you don't shut your g....da..n ******* rooster up, I am going to kill it.” So far, just threats. I'll see how the weekend unfolds. No court involvement yet.
Kallan- there's a lot of great discussion and support on the "processing day support group" thread. Many excellent folks who will give you all the info and encouragement you need.
I've never slaughtered one yet, but if I research it enough maybe I could learn.
You can do it!
They are delicious...and it's very satisfying to conquer the fear and learning curve.
You end up with a pot of yummy Rooster -N- Noodles and an end to the 'too many roosters' problem.
I used a cone and jugular cut....this tutorial is the best I found after reviewing dozens of them.
Took me weeks to get up the nerve and equipment all set up with a dry run.

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