Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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Mr. Rogers was the speaker at my graduation! That's too funny! I can imagine his little train going in circles and when it passes the farm he says with a big smile, "And this is where Spock the rooster lives. Say hi to Spock, kids!"

Unfortunately, the only thing that would make my neighbor happy at this point would be if I moved. And I am not going to lose anything else that is important to me without a fight. It's not fair. I did not order a rooster from Meyer Hatchery on purpose! I was going to give Spock away when I first heard him crow but then my dad went into the hospital for the last time. I brought a little video of Spock attempting to crow to the hospital and my dad laughed like crazy. He loved chickens. So every time I look at Spock I remember the last time my dad laughed. Refusing to give into a neighbor who I have appeased for years, no matter what her demand, is empowering. In the spring I am getting some goats! Not to annoy her...but because I have always wanted a goat! And I am going to clear the land next to her pool as a pasture for my goats. Not because it will annoy her, but because then I can see them running around when I look out my kitchen window! (No worries...2 story high arborvitae and a line of spruce trees already planted on that part of the property line!)
Is she aware of the significance of the rooster in regards to the memory of your father? She sounds like a PITA but if you haven't attempted a serious but friendly conversation with her then you should.
I don't agree with that at can't talk nice to a bully ..sounds like she's a bitter old lady with nothing better to do but gripe and complain about others...that's right..its your right to do with YOUR PROPERTY WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY..always wanted a goat all means get a goat...if she's all prickles and stings that's her problem not yours..I'd put up a privacy fence...just to get all the people on here to stop with the kill her with kindness talk...maybe they've never had the unpleasant experience of a rotten neighbor...I understand that its pointless to try a truce...she wont never be you be happy with your rooster and treasured memories and just ignore her bitter is really to short and precious to put up with that...karma will get her in the long run...just keep an eye out but don't let her see you take notice...I feel for ya..bullies make things harder than they need to be...keep you cheat
You might check with your town office to see if her blinding lights are breaking some code. Sounds like your best bet is to totally ignore her, and if she continues to harass you, you could get a restraining order. Of course you do realize that you are probably the only source of "entertainment" this very bitter old lady has to liven up her day. If she can't get any type of response out of you, she'll have to look elsewhere for her entertainment.
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Thank you....:) And I did tell her. She just laughed nervously and walked away. When her father died six years ago I brought her bakery treats. And that year on Fathers Day I brought her a card and sat with her all afternoon and listened to her dogs bark. They are in crates eighteen hours a day. She had talk radio am cranked up all day today. Buzzing and all. I ignored it and I sat in my chicken run at five like I always do and fed them fresh sunflower seeds from my garden. I think she tolerated me until I stopped agreeing with her!
Yes lazy gardener..the lights do violate a town ordinance because they shine on our property. But her husband is really cheap and I am hoping when he gets the electric bill he will put stop to the light thing. I have my fingers crossed!
She sounds quite rude, but being more of an (I'm sure everyone can come up with their own pet word for an obnoxious bully) than her is not a contest you want to win - no matter how much of a challenge she makes it. It sounds like you had a much more civil relationship with her before this all started. Perhaps this stuff is coming from hurt on her side that she no longer has that relationship (even if she stomped all over it and fried it with her blasted lights.)

I do believe a gamecam is a good idea. And a fence.
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