D: that's more chipping than I thought you meant. The outer membrane being white is normal and fine, it's the inner membrane that you want to have the coconut oil on. The chick should be able to hatch on it's own even with this much shell missing so long as it doesn't get stuck to the membrane.

Its a lot. Chick #1 I havent seen the membrane of, I haven't moved the flap of the outer white membrane. Chick #2 has no visible inner membrane showing, should I just leave that one? And chick number 3 has a substantial amount of inner membrane showing. I can see red veining, it hasn't dried up yet. They're all making "eating" motions, which i just read means they're still absorbing the yolk. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much, ill use the coconut oil on chick 3 where I can see the membrane and hope.
number 1 can get out on it's own, number 2 and 3 will likely need help.

You can wait a full 24 hours after when they pipped, assuming you know ball park when that was, or wait until the rest of the eggs in their group are done hatching and then help them get out.

Pipping was approximately 10pm last night for chick #3, #2 shortly after. I believe chick #1 pipped this morning, as she didn't see anything last night.
Idk your time zone, it's almost 10pm for me rn.

Picking apart eggs when you're tired isn't gonna be fun, for egg 2 and 3, are they poking their beaks up like they do when they're trying to pip, or are they still just licking?

If they don't look like they're trying to pip more you should leave them until morning. Having them bleed out because they were helped too early would be really really awful. Even if it risks them being exhausted by morning, or possibly not alive, at least it wouldn't be your helping that killed them.
Seconding what Rose Quartz said. Coconut oil on the inner membranes. I’d let them sit until morning. Really truly. Or set an alarm for in a few hours and evaluate then. But sit. On. Your. Hands. No touchy.

If you absolutely cannot sit on your hands, instead of breaking them out, consider “zipping” just the outer shell on 2 &3. Just like they would have done normally. That will give them the best chance without breaking that inner membrane.

But seriously. No touchy
Idk your time zone, it's almost 10pm for me rn.

Picking apart eggs when you're tired isn't gonna be fun, for egg 2 and 3, are they poking their beaks up like they do when they're trying to pip, or are they still just licking?

If they don't look like they're trying to pip more you should leave them until morning. Having them bleed out because they were helped too early would be really really awful. Even if it risks them being exhausted by morning, or possibly not alive, at least it wouldn't be your helping that killed them.

Its 9pm for me. I've had about 3hrs of sleep (ICU is super active, and I stayed last night).
I'm in all honesty, sitting next to the incubator trying not to cry.
Theyre making eating motions, no signs of trying to pip more. Resting right now.
Chick #3 with the most membrane showing is quite small, and I've done a gentle light amount of scent free coconut oil to the membrane. He/she made a disgruntled cheep but thats about it.
Seconding what Rose Quartz said. Coconut oil on the inner membranes. I’d let them sit until morning. Really truly. Or set an alarm for in a few hours and evaluate then. But sit. On. Your. Hands. No touchy.

If you absolutely cannot sit on your hands, instead of breaking them out, consider “zipping” just the outer shell on 2 &3. Just like they would have done normally. That will give them the best chance without breaking that inner membrane.

But seriously. No touchy
I promise no touchy. I dont want to touchy.
I've never ever dealt with this, they've either hatched, or they haven't and I've been lucky with my hatch rate.
I'm terrified of killing them, or ruining whatever chance they have.
I'll stay up til 1am, and see how they're doing and if needs be ill do the zip part.
Theyre still "eating". I dont want to disrupt yolk absorption either :hit
Its 9pm for me. I've had about 3hrs of sleep (ICU is super active, and I stayed last night).
I'm in all honesty, sitting next to the incubator trying not to cry.
Theyre making eating motions, no signs of trying to pip more. Resting right now.
Chick #3 with the most membrane showing is quite small, and I've done a gentle light amount of scent free coconut oil to the membrane. He/she made a disgruntled cheep but thats about it.
Don’t cry! All is not lost. And if they’re chewing, that’s good. They’re absorbing the yolk sack. They aren’t ready to hatch yet and you can get some shut eye before they decide to make an entrance.
Don’t cry! All is not lost. And if they’re chewing, that’s good. They’re absorbing the yolk sack. They aren’t ready to hatch yet and you can get some shut eye before they decide to make an entrance.

Thank you ❤ I appreciate you all so much. I love my neighbor, I do. I'm already at my breaking point though.
I need to be back at the ICU at 11am tomorrow, so I'll keep an eye for a bit and then try to sleep.
Poor little babies.
Yeah they're not ready at all rn, it's possible they'll hatch on their own in the night too. Get some sleep, set an alarm for 8 or 9, and help them then if they're stuck. Idk how long it takes to get to the ICU, but give yourself about 30 mins for each egg to have a look at them and help them out. By morning the oldest 2 should be ready to come out.

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