Nest boxes - how high off the ground?

When the chicks dry out enough and become quite mobile, they are like a cotton ball and weighing probably no more than 40 grams. Falling that height should not affect them, but you should be keeping an eye on them just in case they need assistance climbing over the front guard. Remember in nature they always nest at ground level, but for obvious reasons were prefer to have the boxes a bit raised.
Those cartoons we watched as kids, with a proud rooster protecting the flock, well that is a real depiction of their characters. They not only protect them but will give them survival tips. However, if a rooster is still immature, expect him to act as the adolescent that he is. Try to keep those away from the chicks.
From what I have read most say 1 to 2 foot off the ground. Just make sure the top of them is somewhat lower than your roost or the chickens will roost on them
Hello! I am getting a Banty Buff Orpington that will be a pet, living inside and will be outside only under secure conditions and when I am with her. Right now, I have converted my dog's XL cage into her coop. I need suggestions on her Nest Box. The cage is up on a table so out of prying dog and cat eyes. Had planned to use a basket, but not sure if how tall, or should I sure it or something else to the side of the cage? Will be using a full spectrum light in her area and she will have access to one window for daylight.
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!

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