
Save a chick will work for now and yes, the rest of your flock could probably use it as well.

I don't really know any brand names but you could go to your local feed store and they SHOULD have something like that. If you can't find it on your own, definitely ask them about it.

If you can't find any at all, perhaps you can find something in the grocery store for people. Gatorade has too much sugar so read the labels. I don't know about Pedialyte (how much sugar) but it is a possibility.

A lot of people feed regular baled alfalfa to their chickens. If you can find some at this time of year that has lots of leaves in it, that would be best. I don't feed it because I worry about the sticks in it causing an impacted crop. I use cubed alfalfa and soak it in water for several hours to soften it. My birds love it! I used to use the alfalfa pellets but they wouldn't eat that even after soaking. They somehow managed to leave only the alfalfa in their feed pans so it is wasted money as far as I'm concerned. Alfalfa cubes for horses soaked in lots of water and when soft, drained. I mix it into their food but I ferment grains. You could probably serve it up in a dish by itself and see if they'll eat it that way.

Good luck.
Update: Goldilocks just laid an egg. It doesn't have a shell, just a translucent membrane. She's done this only once before. I took a picture, here it is:

I'll give her yogurt in the morning, right now she's asleep and needs her beauty rest. I have gotten her to drink ice water, have laid a wet towel over part of her cage, and put some ice in so she's not hot anymore, but she WAS panting when I brought her in. She has access to food while I'm keeping her inside, however her crop was empty but when I put her in front of food she wasn't interested in eating, she did eat some scratch though. Please help! I have no idea what this is.

That's called a wind egg and they're normal when chickens first start laying or when the chicken gets old. Chickens will pant when they have an egg to lay, the panting should stop once the egg is laid. If the panting didn't stop then there might be an issue with heat. I would watch her and see how she does and get her back to the flock as soon as possible so they don't peck at her even more since she is already at the bottom of the pecking order.

He is coming into his senior year in high school, so he is growing up! He didn't want anyone to know he was just a teenager, but he is the president of FFA here and wants to go on to be an ag teacher... I am duly impressed.

He also only has a couple of chickens left right now, but he still will check on mine when I take off..

I am surprised you remembered us way over here in the sage brush!
She has acess to layer pellets. Would sav-a-chick packets work or are they only for chicks? Should I also give this to my other chickens (I have 2 others), as they have also been panting? If not Sav-a-chick, could you recommend another brand? And will they eat dried alfalfa like you give to horses or should I try to obtain some other dark green leafy veggies? Thanks!
She also needs oyster shell. Lay pellets, I think are formulated to be safe for all members of the flock, including roosters, so additional calcium is needed for the hens.
I figured out why my girls weren't all laying. :(

We have MITES!!! And not a small amount of mites, enough that one of my younger hens got anemia and had to be nursed back to standing. She was too anemic to even open her eyes.

I'm not asking for mite-treatment (we have already gone with permethrin on the worst mite carriers, cleaned and sprayed the coop) and I'm going to put wood-ash in for long-term prevention.

But WHAT is the best source of iron for chickens? Mine free range half the day on our dusty weedy property, as well as eat layer crumbles.

I am, however, going to throw out there that if your hens aren't laying, and are molting at innappropriate times, check ALL of their vents for mites!

Fingers crossed that the problem is treated and they all get back to healthy. I was getting very worried about the bald throats and the lack of eggs.
No she's not eating them. I still get 4 eggs every day, sometimes they skip a day but usually I get all 4. I haven't noticed any eggshell pieces or yolk/white remains. I have one more hen left in that coop that has yet to lay any eggs, I checked her pelvic bone and it's not wide enough to be laying eggs. When I was watching her bother Berta, Mable pretty left the coop after the egg was laid and started pecking and scratching in the run like nothing happened. Mable and my other leghorn, Lucy, are pretty much the bosses of the flock. Nobody messes with them and if somebody gets too close, they give 'em a good peck. Do you think maybe she's just showing her dominance in a way?
Are you getting eggs every day from these hens? I have one hen who is in a pen with another of my hens. Every time the other hen is in the nest, this other one waits by the nest. I'm pretty sure she's waiting for the egg to be laid so she can get in there and eat it. Both of these girls are on my cull list and I've been really busy the last couple weeks and just haven't gotten around to it but their numbers are up next. So... your story made me think of my one hen so maybe Mable is eating the laid egg?
Sorry, I should have quoted your post to my above post. I'm sort of new to this forum posting/replying thing, lol. But I just figured it out

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