
i'm actually not in vegas anymore... i moves out to logandale... 4 houses down from ke_ben.. lol.. totally funny when we realized how close we were... i can almost shoot his garage with a bb gun... well probly not, but i can see it from my driveway.. lol...

what part of vegas are you in?? i can tell you what you'll have to worry about...

NevadaRon, where are you at?? i'll have to catch up to all the new people eventually...
Nevadaron - I guess I worry more about my cats and dogs getting in than anything. I have the two Doxies, two Weimaraners and two Bengal Cats. So far the cats wont go near the run which is funny because Bengals are notorious for being great hunters but they just want to leave them alone. My Weims only the male is interested in barking at the chickens and the doxies just want to herd them up for us. I still wont leave them alone or leave the run/coop area open because I fear that they will just run the chickens to death.

Wolftracks- I used to be a trainer for the Cheesecake factory. Baking is sort of in my blood, that and cooking. From the time that I was a kid my first memories are of helping my father in the kitchen. Creme Brulee is my signature desert too, I make my own vanilla a few times a year as well.

Sunny - You'll need to stop in here before you go over the hill !! I am in the far northwest. I can post the recipe for the apple cake, Daegorn got to see it on Facebook when I posted the pics. I have a good cinnamon roll one too.

daegorn - I put my turner in your bator and its working wonderfully. I have 10 out of the 12 that I set that are doing pretty well.

I am a newbie too so welcome welcome welcome !

vegaschick Hey ! Sorry I did not email you, I had to buy a new laptop and most of my pics are still on my old laptop. Hopefully I should have everything moved over soon.
I am off of Gowan in the Northwest. I think I will have to worry about neighbors more than anything, but we are out on a 1/2 acre and most people have some type of farm something in our area you have at least a 1/2 acre lot or bigger around here and in a drivearound the other day we counted at least 10 coops in the area.
hhmm gowan in the northwest... are you out past durango??

i was at 5th and washburn for a year, and the only thing we had to worry about was an occasional hawk, and a couple stray cats... but i think having dogs kept the cats out of my yard.. but they would get my neighbors birds once in a while... esp the babies...

out where you are there are the occasional coyotes, but i don't think it's all that often.. i would say more other neighbors animals...

how long have you been out there?? and how long have you had birds?

i know i need to catch up.. but i'm sposed to be working right now and i shouldn't even be here now.. i should be looking at these digital clothes and making pictures of mistakes.. BLAH!!! lol..
Oh no not that far up. We only wish ! Gowan and Rancho area still very urban. My husband wanted to buy out at Cold Creek but for the moment with the kids still in school it was not something that was feasible. My husband is actually from Elko born and raised so he still has some small town roots in him. I am a city girl so this whole thing has been great fun for me so far.

I have only been doing this for about 2 months now. So much to learn and do ~

My eggs that I set should end up hatching the day that I leave out of town ( go figure ) I am planning on checking out a book about raising them and keeping this site bookmarked so that everyone knows what to do. If someone had some broody chicks locally I would actually consider setting the eggs with them because who knows what I will come home to !
aahhh yeah right there no worries on coyotes, just neighbor pets...
i was the first graduating class out of cheyenne high school.... just down the street from you
that was... um... lol.. 93... my god.. 3 years till my 20....

if you need someone to bator watch or chick sit, i know it's a little drive, but you can drop stuff off with me... if you're not familiar, logandale is about 50 minutes north on 1-15... county fair is out here.. just down the street about 2 miles from my house...

there's another person that was posting here that actually lives close to you.. i'm spacing her user name right now because she was fairly new a few months ago when i lost touch for a bit... she got a silver laced polish, and i was watching the feed store out here for silkies for her... lol...

i enjoy the birds ssoo much more than i ever expected to.... i've had mine for just about 18 months.. got them for mothers day '09... we went to jones feed to get food for the peacocks we inherited with the property we were renting... i came home with 5 "aracuanas" lol...
then i went to get feed a month later, and i had read about bantams, and thought smaller versions?? huh... okay.. whtever.. i kinda like these ones that will lay blue and green eggs... well the bantams were just in and SSOOO cute.... i ended up with another 5, 2 D'uccles and 3 cochins once they grew a little and i researched... then my mom's neighbor's daughter found a chicken in a box in the middle of craig road and brought it to me... oh, and i got the chicks that my son's kindergarden class "hatched" which really came from jones feed since nothing was goingon in the eggs she put in the bator.. lol... but there were also 2 duck eggs in there... well there was 1 duck egg, but it also didn't do anything.. lol... and once we knew i was getting the 2 ducks from there we rescued one off craigs list that was about a month older than the ones from school.. all 3 turned out to be drakes, but considering out of the 7 LF and 5 bantam birds i had at that point i had 1 lf roo and 1 bantam roo, i really wasn't gonna complain about the ducks....
untill mating season this spring.. lol... i had to pen them away from the hens because they would all gang up on them and i was afraid someone was gonna get hurt... that's why i now have the 5 little hopefully girls running in the yard too....
i added a few and hatched a few since then, and sent some on to other good homes, and they are pets, and family, but they are $5 each family, so when someone i know is interested i like being able to trade and give and help....
but anyway.. i really should attempt to do this work.. my friend has been waiting on this for a week already.. lol..
WELCOME TO THE NV THREAD! It is always good to see new ppl coming to visit our thread and share their chicken obsessions.
What kind of chickens do you have? How long have you bee chicken farming? What are your favourite breeds? I know it is kind of difficult to take pictures of our chickens but if you have any post them so we can drool over your flock.

So supposedly my GLW's, BA's and SLW roo was shipped out on thee 6th but I haven't gotten a call yet that they are at the PO. I know they are sick of hearing from me because I call everyday about them. Hopefully they will be here tomorrow.

Evonne I am so sorry to hear about your flock. I cannot imagine the devastation you are going through but you are definitely in my prayers and if there is anything I can do to help out (even though I am in the Reno area) please let me know.

It is supposed to be sunny all weekend so hopefully the coop will be in full swing!
where are they coming from?? a hatchery or a breeder??
if it's a hatchery or a larger breeder and they gave you a hatch date, they don't ship out till the day after, hatch the 6th out at the PO on the 7th should get to you today or tomorrow...

hhmmm SLW roo huh??? if my slw ends up being a hen i may have to bring her up for a visit... lol...

if only it was that easy....
Girls got to try out the heater last night!

when i went to check on them the heater was working TOO well. they were all panting and i had to open the window
lucky girls

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