
NV thread, 4hens

aubreynoramarie It was so cold here last night - I am sure that mine wished I had drug the heater out to their place.
The ground was frozen this morning, course all the waterers were too.

doh...... high of 80, low of 56 here for today.... i forgot that it's getting cold in places... lol...
granted, i did go out last night and bring in the 2 month old babies because they were making a ruckus outside the back door.. lol...
NV thread, 4hens

aubreynoramarie It was so cold here last night - I am sure that mine wished I had drug the heater out to their place.
The ground was frozen this morning, course all the waterers were too.

doh...... high of 80, low of 56 here for today.... i forgot that it's getting cold in places... lol...
granted, i did go out last night and bring in the 2 month old babies because they were making a ruckus outside the back door.. lol...

That does it, I just might migrate south
evonne I'm in Dayton - east of Carson City on Hwy 50 - I'm at the far east end of Dayton so easily 20+ miles from downtown Carson City (haven't measured it yet
). The Carson River flows through Dayton Valley and I'm only a mile or so from that.
WELCOME TO THE NV THREAD! It is always good to see new ppl coming to visit our thread and share their chicken obsessions.
What kind of chickens do you have? How long have you bee chicken farming? What are your favourite breeds? I know it is kind of difficult to take pictures of our chickens but if you have any post them so we can drool over your flock.

So supposedly my GLW's, BA's and SLW roo was shipped out on thee 6th but I haven't gotten a call yet that they are at the PO. I know they are sick of hearing from me because I call everyday about them. Hopefully they will be here tomorrow.

Evonne I am so sorry to hear about your flock. I cannot imagine the devastation you are going through but you are definitely in my prayers and if there is anything I can do to help out (even though I am in the Reno area) please let me know.

It is supposed to be sunny all weekend so hopefully the coop will be in full swing!

Eglytine, I have a Golden Laced Wyndotte, a Delaware, Buff Orphington, and a Lakenvelder. Ella, Wanda, Buffy, and Roxy. We got the Wyndotte & the Delaware mid-April and the other two 5 weeks later. This is our first experience with chickens and so far it's been fun. My husband built a really nice secure, sturdy coop and now I'm just waiting "patiently" for eggs. None yet, but I know the Delaware is going to lay any minute. Both she & the Wyndotte have gotten really red w/ their combs & waddles. The Delaware is squatting... all signs of something good to come. We wanted to get different breeds to see how different they are, and I can't say I prefer one over the other. The Wyndotte definitely does not like to be touched. The BO is probably the one who will let you pick her up. The Lakenvelder is quite smaller than the others.
My husband got a warming light for their coop to use at night since it's been so cold lately. I'm glad it will be nice this weekend too. Hopefully this will be the weekend I get an egg or two!
Creme Brulee was mine too until I came up with the torte.

I love the Cheesecake Factory. Daughter #3 got married years ago in Vegas and that's were we had the wedding dinner. I had a spicy asian chicken. Can't remember the exact name. I could kill for that stuff. Haven't been there in a couple of years now. Lately it's PF Changs. Or Texas Roadhouse. Bill and I loved going there. Even went after his funeral and took dozens of people, since it was also our anniversary and that's were we would have gone. Desserts are lacking there though.
I don't have extras now but I will have pure-bred black Ameraucanas in early spring of 2011. You would be an easy stop.

Hi 4hens4us!!! Nice to see another Renoite here! Welcome to BYC and welcome to the Nevada thread!
Yes we are pic-aholics here so when you figure out how to post pics...

*Took the liberty of editing your post to reflect the correct spelling on my name, hope you don't mind* Wouldn't mind except that the "O" version of Sunny is the way a guy spells "Sunny".
My youngest son is always saying "you're such a guy Mom!", I guess I'm trying to hang on to as many female characteristics as I can these days!

I would love a new recipe for cinnamon rolls too! I have a recipe that the family is nuts for, but they seem a little too firm to me (from a french bread type of dough). They won't be happy but I really like a more tender dough for cinnamon rolls.
The only thing I really avoid is Trans-fats (shortening, margarine...) and I have a hard time finding good recipes that use the real stuff (butter...). Cheescake is also one of my favorite desserts but most of them these days have that "fake" or shortening taste to them so I usually only eat cheescake when I have the time to make it myself. I know it doesn't sound very modest but my cheesecake rocks!!!
I make a chocolate cheescake that is seriously fantastic.

Crud!!! I was already hungry after reading all your posts now I'm making myself even hungrier! No more snacks tonight though! I've got to quit some time.

Kim I keep hearing about this torte! When are you coming up again?

Shanyalv I have a dessert exchange every year a couple of weeks before christmas. You can bring the cinnamon rolls then!
I still think it would be a blast to have a Nevadan folks get together. I know it's not exactly do-able but maybe some day...?

NevadaRon DH and I (and 2 friends) went by Dayton today. Yelled "Howdy Ron!" as we drove through...

Evonne 80 degrees sounds heavenly! I sure hope things work out for you with your flock. Wish I could do more to help. Good Luck!
LOL I thought I heard something!
What were you all doing out this way? I'm way out east on Hwy 50, just before you go up the hill to Stagecoach. Did you make it that far?
where are they coming from?? a hatchery or a breeder??
if it's a hatchery or a larger breeder and they gave you a hatch date, they don't ship out till the day after, hatch the 6th out at the PO on the 7th should get to you today or tomorrow...

hhmmm SLW roo huh??? if my slw ends up being a hen i may have to bring her up for a visit... lol...

if only it was that easy....

We got the chicks from Ideal Hatchery out of Texas. I read a ton of reviews for various hatcheries before I settled on them. When I was a kid we used to get our chicks from Murray McMurray and a Hatchery out of South Carolina (which is no longer in business unfortunately). I was going to wait until spring because we never had much luck raising chicks during the winter months but we were in Maine to so you really only had a few months out of the year that was not a PITA to raise chicks. But with it not getting really miserable until after Nov I decided to try it out. Plus I want the girls to be laying by spring so I can start breeding and selling chicks. Ideal was the only hatchery that still had Golden Laced Wyandottes available and you can also place small orders with them which I thought was great. I did not want to have to buy 25+ of each breed when I still do not have my coop finished. Until I get everything set up the way I want with the coop/run I want to keep my numbers down to a manageable lvl.

I have always loved Wyandottes and Australorps, they make really awesome layers and meat birds plus they are super friendly if you raise them from chicks. Wyandottes I have found bond really quickly to one family but if you trade them out it takes them a while to get used to their new surroundings and ppl. Just keep picking them up and hold them for about 5 to 10 mins at a time and eventually they will warm right up to you. I got my SLW's from CL's and I have had them for a few weeks now and they are just now starting to cuddle up to me and the boys. As for the SLW Rooster, in the spring when I start breeding if you would like I can send you some SLW eggs. I think Ideal still has SLW Rooster still available too. If things go well this winter I am thinking of adding Buff Orps to the mix too.

I am really pleased with the chicks from Ideal so far. I know they have only been here since 10 am yesterday but they are so lively and healthy looking. Their markings and colouring are really distinct and beautiful but then again that all changes once they get their actual feathers in. They took to eating and drinking right off. Although I have to order or design some decent waterers for them. Right now I am using Snapware containers for their water because North Valley and Greens were out of the plastic waterers. They aren't bathing or messing up the water yet but I am sure that will change soon enough.

They play with each other really well and they love to be held. I took a few pictures of them for everyone, you can view all of them on my BYC Page but here are a few for the thread.

Here are a few pics:






Well I am gonna go try to sneak back into bed for a little bit before the boys wake up. You all take care and I will talk to you later!
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AND two girls started laying on the same day!!!

we immediately cracked em open and friend em. my first ever homegrown eggs. the yolks were soooo rich and delicious. i cant believe how excited i am! i even gave my girls worms for breakfast cuz i was soooo excited for them


no to post this in the pictures section... i have to show the whole world that my little girls are big girls now!

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