
Cool! How's that going for you?

So far only the lady wanting me to help her start showing.

Is there anyone on this forum, in Nevada, who has gone through the NPIP Certification process for our state? I have been in contact with Dr. Rink at NDOA, and she is looking for information on the whole process to send to me.
Hey Nevadans,

Sorry I haven't been to active on here. I have a quick question for those of you who live in the Minden, Gardnerville, and Woodfords area.

A few nights ago something ripped apart the screens and got into the coop, then stole 3 chickens! And even worse then that, it ate them right outside the window, leaving only the breast plate and feathers! I feel terrible for my poor girls, that must have been one scary night! I walked in and the place looked like there was a massacre, but no bodies! The food was dumped all over, water buckets thrown about, roosts were busted, and even the ramp leading out the pop was broken in half!

The window opening is only 20"x10" so this thief had to be smallish. It managed to climb up the wall and leave very deep claw marks in it (the window is about 5ft from the ground). There were 4-5 claws on whatever it is. It also left some 3 inch brown wiry hairs on the window latch.

Since then I have put chicken wire over the windows and framed it. I have also put blocks in the windows to keep it from opening them (just in case.) It makes me very nervous at night and I don't even want to walk around the yard after dusk! Since the upgrades I've had no more lost chickens, just dogs barking all night! I just hope whatever it was doesn't get any smarter!

I'm wondering if anyone in the local area has any insight to what it might have been? I would really like to know what I'm dealing with here! At first I thought it was raccoons, but the brown hair and the big claw marks makes me think differently now.

*wipes sweat from my brow*

It has been such a long day that I cancelled all of my evening plans so I could lay down for a minute or two, lol.

Abner and Darby have arrived! They are so stressed out and terrified of us. Elvis did not take their arrival very well either. I think he sees them as a threat to the flock.
oh elvis.

Anyway they won't let us anywhere neAr them. They are in a very small pen right now though so I will work with them daily. Abner let me give him a little chin scratch but that was it. Darby has not been weened so I am relying on abner to teach her the ropes of eating.

I couldn't get any good pictures of them but here's some of them on the drive home and then one of them hiding in the goat house.

Darby is in front. She's actually smaller than abner but for some reason inthe photos she looks bigger. I love her chocolate coloring.

They are so small. I wasn't expecting them to be this tiny. This is elvis's dog crate. It's a regular large size and they barely come up past the halfway mark when they stand. I could have fit five of them in there.




I saw your ad on Craigslist and figured it was you. Hope you get some more customers.

Thanks. So far I haven't heard anything. I might try and repost tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow I'm going to try agin and donate blood.

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