
Oh how nice!
My DH is wanting a pair of them next year, is it possible to work something out for late spring with any of them? We are not ready atm for ducks until we get the coop moved to it's permament spot and then we can put the duck area/pond in it's spot.

I'm sure I'll have some left. I still have ducklings under 1 month old right now. I can keep a pair of those for you if you like. They won't even be 6 months old till February. PM me with your contact info so I'll know who to get in touch with in the spring. Otherwise I'll forget who made the request.
And that coop is awesome!!!

Guys, Im only a moderately violent Raiders fan. "Moderately" meaning I'll jump up and shout insults/encouragement at the TV occasionally, and I have to watch the last quarter on my feet. Same goes for hockey and Nascar, sometimes soccor.
Hay Sunny, Yes, we have been very busy this summer. Went camping for 10 days in June to Kings Canyon to see the Giant Sequoia. I bought some Giant Sequoia seeds from the forestry department there so, now, I am growing a Giant Sequoia.
Then in July, my son Paul went white water rafting on the American River with the Boy Scouts
Then in August we went for another 7 day camping trip to a nice quiet lake up near Summit with just a couple of friends on a private lake with the puppies and Kayak's. Yes, I said puppies... one of our Australian Cattle Dogs had pups two weeks before we were to go camping. We couldn't leave them behind.

Did you ever get those silver Am eggs from your brother this spring?
Okay now Dirtgirl - that is one fantastic coop your DH is building there, you must put this in for the coop building contest the next time they have one, you will win for sure! I want one of those just for my front lawn!
Hay Sunny, Yes, we have been very busy this summer. Went camping for 10 days in June to Kings Canyon to see the Giant Sequoia. I bought some Giant Sequoia seeds from the forestry department there so, now, I am growing a Giant Sequoia.
Then in July, my son Paul went white water rafting on the American River with the Boy Scouts
Then in August we went for another 7 day camping trip to a nice quiet lake up near Summit with just a couple of friends on a private lake with the puppies and Kayak's. Yes, I said puppies... one of our Australian Cattle Dogs had pups two weeks before we were to go camping. We couldn't leave them behind.

Did you ever get those silver Am eggs from your brother this spring?

WOW! Where do people find the time to do all of this kind of stuff? I do so much all of the time that I can't even find anymore time to do anything else, what's up with that?
Haha! If only... I keep building more. It's always my project for after class and after work "stress relief".

Wow! Dirtgirl, your coop is looking much better than ours! We're building our second coop today out of an old doghouse we picked up off of craigslist. My mum and dad have been working on it all afternoon whilst I've been cleaning cages, doing a tonne of homework, and barbequeing. This coop will be much prettier than the last, but nothing like yours.

We're still not sure if one of our girls is a rooster or not. She has yet to produce a single egg (after two weeks of living with us) and seems to be mounting her "friend". But, she's yet to crow so whether or not she's a rooster, we're keeping her until she makes trouble. I really enjoy having chickens even though some of them scare me a bit.
Hay Sunny, Yes, we have been very busy this summer. Went camping for 10 days in June to Kings Canyon to see the Giant Sequoia. I bought some Giant Sequoia seeds from the forestry department there so, now, I am growing a Giant Sequoia.
Then in July, my son Paul went white water rafting on the American River with the Boy Scouts
Then in August we went for another 7 day camping trip to a nice quiet lake up near Summit with just a couple of friends on a private lake with the puppies and Kayak's. Yes, I said puppies... one of our Australian Cattle Dogs had pups two weeks before we were to go camping. We couldn't leave them behind.

Did you ever get those silver Am eggs from your brother this spring?

WOW! Where do people find the time to do all of this kind of stuff? I do so much all of the time that I can't even find anymore time to do anything else, what's up with that?

Been 6 years at the same company so I get 3 weeks vacation this year. Otherwise I wouldn't have the time either. Like you I do so much I couldn't possibly do more but every now and again I force myself to STOP and just relax.
The week at the lake was pure bliss
even if we were in a tent and it got very cold at night. The only drawback is, my friend that fed my chickens went thru 3 weeks worth of feed in just 7 days.
With 80 birds that's a lot of feed.
WOW! Where do people find the time to do all of this kind of stuff? I do so much all of the time that I can't even find anymore time to do anything else, what's up with that?

Been 6 years at the same company so I get 3 weeks vacation this year. Otherwise I wouldn't have the time either. Like you I do so much I couldn't possibly do more but every now and again I force myself to STOP and just relax.
The week at the lake was pure bliss
even if we were in a tent and it got very cold at night. The only drawback is, my friend that fed my chickens went thru 3 weeks worth of feed in just 7 days.
With 80 birds that's a lot of feed.

I understand about the time off part as well, I haven't taken time off in months and I need to do that, I get 5 weeks a year right now at my work and I'm going to take 2 weeks off next month and go to Florida to meet the new Granddaughter but I had to force it as well. I'm just one who does not like to take time off, I'm always afraid I wont go back to work or I might get bored but I've never gotten bored before so I don't understand why I would now?

That is hard when someone goes through your feed like that, sorry to hear that.

Oh and my DH caught a mouse in my garden just a bit ago so if anyone has a snake or mouse eating chicken please let me know, he wouldn't let me kill it because he feels sorry for it.

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