
I'm really hoping you made it Tyler!

I made a group in facebook today for us BYC'ers so if you want to join in then just click this link:

Hope to see you there.

We just got the rain portion of the storm, no hail in the NW part of Reno.
They're not so little any more. They are now mostly about 6 months old and many of them are in full feather. Only the males heads have not completely colored in.
We got 30 trees from them a number of years ago. The rabbits ate most of them. The dogs ate the drip system lines. There are only two still living. They are doing well but if I just grow them myself I can do just a few at a time. That way I can more fully care for them. Too hard to protect and irrigate 30 separate trees all at once. Don't know if they've changed they're policies since then, but used to be you had to purchase a minimum of 15 at a time. Still it's a good deal if you have a group of people that can help plant them, like boy scouts doing a service project.
We got 30 trees from them a number of years ago. The rabbits ate most of them. The dogs ate the drip system lines. There are only two still living. They are doing well but if I just grow them myself I can do just a few at a time. That way I can more fully care for them. Too hard to protect and irrigate 30 separate trees all at once. Don't know if they've changed they're policies since then, but used to be you had to purchase a minimum of 15 at a time. Still it's a good deal if you have a group of people that can help plant them, like boy scouts doing a service project.

Yeah I had to put chicken wire around all my trees to keep the rabbits from eating them. Also, I buried the drip irrigation - the only part that is above ground is the emitters which are inside the chicken wire, too.

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