Never in 43 years!!! Amazed!!!

Oh my gosh, if they hatch, how will she get them down to eat/drink?

I think you need to post the clip to youtube then link it here.
We had the opposite happen when I was a kid. A Banty hen disappeared then three weeks later she came out with a bunch of baby chicks. We located her nest in a hollow of the bottom of a tree! How she ever kept safe we will never know.
That was my thought too. How is she going to get them down?

Fire department? Tell them your cat‘s stuck up a tree. When they arrive, “Oh. Did I say cat? Silly me, I meant chicken.”

Last week a dog got in my yard and was going after my chickens. It had already killed 4 of them a couple of weeks before. I got my gun. So, I suggested to the Fed Ex driver that, if she wanted to see that dog live longer, she’d put it in her truck abc take it away. She did. 😃 I stop at nuthin’ to take care of my chickens.
I have a hen setting about 40 foot up a tree. She somehow decided she liked an abandoned squirrel nest. Has anyone else seen this before? I have a video of her going back on the nest but I'm not sure how to share it. I figured it out. Here is the link.
They can't clear the lower branches if they jump .They'll have to get down the same way the hen got up there.... Jump from branch to branch all the way down.

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