Neverending mites

i appreciate you suggestion, but I lost two birds due to DE inhalation after dusting them when i first started having chickens. So, it's not used on our property anymore
I didnā€™t recommend DE but I can just about guarantee you didnā€™t lose birds to DE inhalation. I use DE all the time just not for mites and lice.
i was told by our vet that once a bird is treated with frontline that you couldn't ever eat eggs from then again?
There is usually an egg withdrawal period for most things. There is NO egg withdrawal period with permethrin or Elector PSP. Elector PSP is quite expensive where permethrin costs much less and for me has worked. Some say one treatment is enough with Elector but its fact sheet says that for mites, repeated applications may be needed and that with it also, pests can develop a resistance to it if used too often. Permethrin is the same.with if you attempt to use it as a preventative. I do 3 or 4 weekly sprayings then stop. I'm about to do a deep clean in the coops (the yearly big clean). I take a pressure washer to the inside of all of the coops. In a previous post I posted the mixing instructions for permethrin depending on how severe the problem is. I will treat the coops after the clean outs. It also controls fly populations.
Is your psp stored in a cool dark place?? It breaks down when stored warm and exposed to uv.

Iā€™ve found that smoke actually makes fleas and mites more of an issue. I agree with weekly sprays. I sprayed my pullets with .50% solution as well as my coop. Repeated 6 days later. Then once a week I spray just the coop. I havenā€™t found a mite inside the coop since.

Elkton, OR location.

yes, its kept under the kitchen sink, pretty cool and dark.

Yeah, since the smoke, it's been awful. The only other thing i can think of is that perhaps the mites came with the straw that came for my sisters goats...we helped them evacuate the farm during the fire and had goats in the chicken yard for about a week. the straw is still in a pile in the yard thanks to helpful kids..
Hi I'm in Canada. I have been battling mites all summer. It all started on one young Salmon Favorelle roo. Poor guy. Hatched and raised with me. I noticed he was by himself most of the time. At about 2 months old. Finally realized he was covered in NFMites. He appeared to be the only one. I don't know why they seem to just love the taste of him. Anyone else have one that seems more affected? Anyway treated him well... gave all the Ivermectrin drops treatment, again 14 days later. clean all the coops, sprayed down. I always clean well and spray with the soap/oil/water in the coops. Not long after he is crawling with them again. I bring him into the garage/hospital. Bath blue dawn, treat him, kept him in there 2 weeks, bathing and treating. Not long after again he was so infested, his upper wing areas, vent, tail feather area, even around his ears...omg. I ordered Frontline from the states. Sprayed everyone again with Frontline. Seemed to do the trick. Afterward I saw some around his vent area but I figured the Frontline has to do its job right, taking a few cycles to hatch from all the eggs that would be burried in his feather shafts. NO, its been three weeks and his mites are worse around vent area and looking bigger. I sprayed him AGAIN with the Frontline. I also in the mean time received the Permectrin II spray and even sprayed everyone with that, and soak the coops down with it, when cleaning the coops and roosts. Now i am going to do the garlic juice spray weekly and see if that can do anything.... any thought on this or any further suggestions? I don't want to keep dousing them with chemicals now.
I also should say, that our feed store also switched out our pine shavings for a differtent kind since Covid started, it is some kind of mix with straw as well. It seemed to start after that. Not sure if it came mostly from there or what. But I went to another feed store and buy only the pine shavings now.
Permethrin. It worked great for me. You have to thoroughly spray inside the coop. Everywhere, every crack and crevice. I use permethrin poultry dust in the nest boxes. It takes 4 or 4 thorough weekly sprayings because it does not kill the mite eggs. The bonus is there is no egg withdrawal period. I don't know if you can get it in Canada.


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