New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

Cynthia, you've inspired me to start working on my coop again. Haven't touched it since last fall after it got cold. The other day I went out and painted the interior, by flashlight. I had found some white 'oops' paint, but ran out before I was done. Soooo, off to Walmart, but the only light colored paint they had in a semi-gloss was PINK!. Very pale, cotton candy pink. I bought it. Will have to take photos when it's done.
I LOVE your Easter Basket coop--so pretty and colorful, and how appropriate for pretty little bantams!
I can't imagine Her Royal Henliness painting her coop anything other than the official royal colors of purple and gold. It's so regal . . . so fitting! And little thrones made of gold for the hens!!

We get to paint today! Sunny and very warm all day long so DH is getting out the paint sprayer and compressor. Then, I will have the lovely tedious job of painting the trim.
I wanted to use the 2x4 welded wire to cover my pens, too. It just didn't work out, so I opted to buy netting instead. In my case, the purpose was to prevent flying predators, and the netting works well and was easy to install.

Good luck with the 2x4 wire. I wish I could have figured out a way to use it.
I can't imagine the netting holding up to snow which is why we're trying to figure out how to do the other stuff. If we can't, may opt for chickenwire, but still not sure. We'll figure it out somehow. Just got the body of the coop painted with the sprayer. When it dries, will start on the trim. Darn paint was so thin (older gallon we never opened from about 2 years ago) and combined with the cheaply made plywood, it didn't cover as well as we want in spots so will have a new batch mixed up to put on with a brush later on.

ETA: Here is the color we're using since we already had it. It's a greenish gray called Fog Bank. The sprayer is lots faster and less work, but sure does overspray. All the trim will be Victorian Garnet, a sort of maroonish ruby red color. Too tired to start today, will do it after tomorrow's rain passes.


This will be the trim color:


Moved the chicks into the brooder out there today. They have a few more inches of width and length in that brooder in this coop, but in a few days, they'll be moving into the actual main coop part. Forty-four chicks sure poop a lot!
Looking very good,
I know your chicks are going to love it. your outside colors are very simular to the ones I chose for mine- a test run for the new house colors-Quail Ridge and blooming wisteria for trim

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