Thnaks for the info, I am trying to do what best for us and the geese.
My understanding is the main threat is at night correct?
I figured the threat level at my place might be low because the wild geese come to hatch thier yourg (2-3 familys). they do loose a couple chicks but for the most part they keep all that has hatched. I guess I will try to build an enclosure close to the pond I can lock them up at night and fugure something out to get it closed before dark.
The geese won't be on the pond all day, they will be foraging grass and such. I'm sure they will love the large pond though. How far from your house is the pond?
I lost a goose during daylight hours so now I keep my goose in a pen until I can be home and keep watch... It's a nice size pen but it took away some of her freedom to roam. I just wish I knew if it was a dog or coyote.
Best of luck and welcome to BYC!