New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home


This is embarrassing. I could go on making a whole heap of excuses as to why I haven't posted here for so long (has it been months? It has..), but it would all boil down to the fact that I basically haven't even had the time to get on the computer much these past few months. With my work/starting my business and desperately trying to keep my household afloat financially, with looking after my family and of course Basil and my other birds, life has been mad hectic and some things just kept getting put off... and put off.... and put off....

I wanted to give quality updates with lots of text-info and weekly-bio updates like I was doing with photos, but the magnitude of that and the time required kept frightening me off from doing it, and time passes.

I didn't receive any email notifications about private messages or updates here, so I didn't know what was going on re this thread-lock-down so I apologize for not responding earlier just to let you know that I am alive and have not abandoned you. I promise I didn't forget any of you (I have in fact been thinking about BYC every day and been wanting so much to update, it is just having the TIME) and I just found out via a private message from a friend on another website that you guys wanted to shut down this thread due to my inactivity, so I figured I needed to carve out some time during breakfast this morning and get on here and apologize sincerely.

And so that's what I'm doing.

That said, if you guys want to ex this thread, whatever that entails, you should do whatever you think is best.

But! I will post some pictures, and updates about Basil and such, in my evening. So that's about 12 hours away, and I promise that I will do it. I want to do whatever would be best for you guys; whether post those updates here, or on another thread, or via my profile if that is possible? Or even on another website if this thread is clogging the system...?

It is small recompense for how staggeringly long I have been absent from here and other places on the internet lately (I've hardly had time to update my business webpage either, gahh), but the best I can do is try to perform in whatever way will please you folks here the most right now. So I will do whatever you would like the most and how-so-ever you might like it.

Again, truly and from the bottom of my heart, I have missed you all and I am very very sorry.

This is embarrassing. I could go on making a whole heap of excuses as to why I haven't posted here for so long (has it been months? It has..), but it would all boil down to the fact that I basically haven't even had the time to get on the computer much these past few months. With my work/starting my business and desperately trying to keep my household afloat financially, with looking after my family and of course Basil and my other birds, life has been mad hectic and some things just kept getting put off... and put off.... and put off....

I wanted to give quality updates with lots of text-info and weekly-bio updates like I was doing with photos, but the magnitude of that and the time required kept frightening me off from doing it, and time passes.

I didn't receive any email notifications about private messages or updates here, so I didn't know what was going on re this thread-lock-down so I apologize for not responding earlier just to let you know that I am alive and have not abandoned you. I promise I didn't forget any of you (I have in fact been thinking about BYC every day and been wanting so much to update, it is just having the TIME) and I just found out via a private message from a friend on another website that you guys wanted to shut down this thread due to my inactivity, so I figured I needed to carve out some time during breakfast this morning and get on here and apologize sincerely.

And so that's what I'm doing.

That said, if you guys want to ex this thread, whatever that entails, you should do whatever you think is best.

But! I will post some pictures, and updates about Basil and such, in my evening. So that's about 12 hours away, and I promise that I will do it. I want to do whatever would be best for you guys; whether post those updates here, or on another thread, or via my profile if that is possible? Or even on another website if this thread is clogging the system...?

It is small recompense for how staggeringly long I have been absent from here and other places on the internet lately (I've hardly had time to update my business webpage either, gahh), but the best I can do is try to perform in whatever way will please you folks here the most right now. So I will do whatever you would like the most and how-so-ever you might like it.

Again, truly and from the bottom of my heart, I have missed you all and I am very very sorry.

Yay! We are so excited to hear that your back on BYC! How is Basil?
Also, doing a quick read-through of all the posts since I was last online here (yes, I didn't even access the website for months, as I said, I was really busy and basically not on the computer!) But I should update on the major points...

I am fine! Car crash was dealt with, nobody was hurt, and thankfully Basil wasn't driving or we'd've had a hard time getting insurance. Sorry to worry you with my absence. Mild flu's aside, really, it's just been work overload that has kept me away.
Basil is also fine! Has not flown away, either for adventure or with a hot little pullet (lol Piglett!) He may be a She, because S/He is showing visual traits of both genders, so I'm still really not sure- perhaps still juvenile. Kind of holding out for Basil to lay an egg and help make the decision clear!

This is my favourite of your theories I think hehehehee:
Maybe basil has taken her hostage and now lives as an undercover duck in a humans world

Possibly almost the most accurate; taking care of Basil took up what free time I might have had, so I think that amounts to being taken hostage! :D But in a good way.

Okay, I'll get to work now so that I have time to edit some photos for you today and post this evening. Again, I'm dreadfully sorry and very ashamed, you all deserve a lot better than I have given you these past few months.
Teloka, glad your back!

But really a quickie he/she is doing well and he is still here/flew off would have been far easier to type than a huge apology letter
I didn't receive any email notifications about private messages or updates here, so I didn't know what was going on re this thread-lock-down so I apologize for not responding earlier just to let you know that I am alive and have not abandoned you. I promise I didn't forget any of you (I have in fact been thinking about BYC every day and been wanting so much to update, it is just having the TIME) and I just found out via a private message from a friend on another website that you guys wanted to shut down this thread due to my inactivity, so I figured I needed to carve out some time during breakfast this morning and get on here and apologize sincerely.

That said, if you guys want to ex this thread, whatever that entails, you should do whatever you think is best.

But! I will post some pictures, and updates about Basil and such, in my evening. So that's about 12 hours away, and I promise that I will do it. I want to do whatever would be best for you guys; whether post those updates here, or on another thread, or via my profile if that is possible? Or even on another website if this thread is clogging the system...?

It is small recompense for how staggeringly long I have been absent from here and other places on the internet lately (I've hardly had time to update my business webpage either, gahh), but the best I can do is try to perform in whatever way will please you folks here the most right now. So I will do whatever you would like the most and how-so-ever you might like it.
I am so glad to hear from you again, but I'm also puzzled? What on earth are you talking about? We're not going to shut down your thread!
It's one of the greatest hatch threads here! Very few threads here stay alive long, if you look around the forum you will see what I mean. It's not possible to keep them all going. At the moment there are a total of 789 788 threads on this forum! And I promise you, by this time tomorrow there will be a few dozen more. Though it is wonderful to keep threads like this one going, you must not feel that you HAVE to. Though we really love the updates, if you don't have time, you don't, so don't feel bad and stop apologising, o.k? Just pop in and let us know how you're doing, when you have a moment. As for clogging the system? That's just silly! This is a great thread and all of us who participated here enjoyed it very much. It's not going anywhere!

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