New Blue Slate Poults....

I have blue slate and burbon red... like the BS better... very funny and talkative birds and nosy, they get up on the railings to look in the windows to talk to you
... holy moly! They will fly quite high I might add to hang out on the roof.
I would love to hear how all the BS babies are doing. It seems this thread died after a short while
I was quite enjoying reading about the BS's!! I want some of the Blues and a few RP's too!! I have 4 of the Bourbon Reds, 2 toms and 2 young hens. The one tom that we've picked for a breeder is going to be a BIG beautiful boy by next spring. I named him Tommy Knocker lol I couldn't ask for a sweeter tom. The girls are kind of skittish but they are sweet too. The other tom is a tad too small for TG this yr so I'm not sure if he's going to get butchered at all. I figure by the time he's large enough for dinner the others will be laying and although we wont use him for breeding we could def' either keep him as back-up or trade for one of the blue's that I'm wanting so bad.
Ok that's the long and short of our turkeys, I would def' love to hear about how your blues are doing and what you think now of their personalities.
I'm now looking for a breeder within this area so next yr we can get maybe a trio of BS's and RP's ... now I'm hooked on turkeys lol

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