New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

They are absolutely georgeous! I love the heavy amount of feathering on the feet.

This group is really well-endowed in the foot feathers department. B. J., the Dark, has the least amount.

Bailey left her 2nd egg for me today. Bash was in the nest standing over it, acting like he did it himself. I wasn't sure if he was guarding or just looking at it, so I was cautious in trying to remove it from the nest. I spoke to him gently, and he turned around and began picking at the buttons on my jacket, giving me time to slowly remove the egg. I showed it to him and ran my hands down his back and sides. He seems to like petting, actually, but I don't move quickly, don't want to startle him, since he has just now started his hormonal charge to manhood and his liking attention is relatively new. I hope this is how his personality is going to be permanently. And I also hope that Bruno chills out and becomes more like his brother! That would be just awesome.
Does Bruno seem to be the rooster who will let Bash mate with the hens or wil he chase Bash off? And do you foresee any fighting between the brothers?

I think it's too early to really tell. They both just started mating their girls, and not even all of them. Only Bailey so far is actually squatting for them. I've seen each with her. Bruno looks like he doesn't want Bash mating her, but so far, there has been no actual fighting between them.
The birds look great, I have been checking in and enjoying seeing them all... My luck and my health have not been good, i am hoping for better luck and health in the new year. Best of luck to you . happy holidays.

I'm so glad you're lurking on the thread! Sorry that you're still having health and other issues, hoping for a much better 2017 for you, my friend. Thank you again for these wonderful birds!
Now that Bailey is laying and other girls are messing around in the nests, Bash stands on the nest's edge, peering into the nest, hoping for an egg to appear. He seems fascinated and thrilled with this new development. Bruno doesn't do that, but Bash is over the moon about it. I walk in, he dances on the edge and I pet him. He picks up hay and messes around in the nest like he's showing it to me. It's adorable.
Uh-oh. Bailey is in the hospital cage.
The boys, competing for her attention since she's the only one laying so far, have almost scalped her! I saw what looked like some missing feathers on one side of her head and the area matted down so I looked closer. Then, I noticed what appeared to be a swollen area of skin but it was the edge of a flap of skin they had pulled up, opening up her scalp to the bone. Poor Bailey! We ran her up to the house for treatment immediately and she then went into the hospital cage. I never saw any blood anywhere so I don't know when it was done. Could have been more than one incident that got it to be this bad-they're always grabbing her and won't let her go.

We cleaned it up and packed it with antibiotic ointment, gave her penicillin and separated her. I'm glad I was taking pictures of them today or I would have missed it entirely! This is why I tell folks that feathers cover a multitude of sins. The other girls are fine, but I may have to let one of the boys go. Two males for five pullets is really too many and I knew that, but hoped I could keep them both. There is no bachelor pad for these boys, unfortunately.

Here are the pictures I took today. Bruno looks so stately in them. I know that if I let one go, it will be Bruno, no question. I hate to do it because I know I take better care of my birds and have better accommodations than many. And if something happens to Bash, I'd have to hatch immediately or just be without a breeding male. My girls are too important, though.
Click to see the full impact of the Brahma studliness. B.J. apparently was in the pen eating her heart out. Silly gal.




Wouldn't you buy this boy? Hubba hubba!

Bailey-it's the other side of her head.

It was taking her picture from this side that I noticed the missing feathers, or what looked like that.

See the flap they unseated by pulling on her head feathers? Poor baby girl! I also gave her penicillin since it had dirt in it. If we can keep infection from setting in, she'll probably heal up fine.
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Poor girl. Those crazy cockerels are getting to her. It'd be a real shame if you let Bruno go though. How long until you make this decision?

I'm broaching the subject of temporarily putting both boys in the original coop, or a section of it, just until Bailey heals and the girls are all, or most of them, laying. That way she can heal in peace and the girls will be more accepting of their breeding attempts. They will just have to be free range roosters until they can move back in with the girls. If that doesn't work, I will just have to sell Bruno. Real bummer.

missed one Bash picture: WAIT, no I didn't. Geez, what a day! Sorry, but hey, pretty bird, lookie, LOL!

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