New chick pecking eyes


member 546703

I have 8 new chicks (about 5 days old) 3 barred Plymouth Rock, 3 speckled Sussex, 2 Easter Eggers. All supposed to be female but wondering about this one who constantly pecks and pulls at the other chicks eyes and feathers.
I have it separated with hardware cloth but in the same container with the other chicks now.
How long before I can remove the barrier? Or will I be able to reintegrate him/her ever?
Poor babies. I laughed but I know it isn't funny. I've only witnessed when new chicks pull & peck their own Momma's eyes & eye lids. It is in my opinion, the curious chick just learning? I'm not sure why you have 1 chick pecking her own siblings eyes. I would wonder if she sees mites? But not sure if chick's would get mites so young. Or the chick itself may have a nervous condition? Hopefully others will chime in here....sorry. ‍♀️
I see chicks doing this all the time, mostly curious I think. Has it harmed any of the others. I haven’t seen one harm another but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t or can’t happen. Chicks being chicks
I see chicks doing this all the time, mostly curious I think. Has it harmed any of the others. I haven’t seen one harm another but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t or can’t happen. Chicks being chicks
We caught it soon enough that I don’t think it has caused any actual injuries yet. The other chicks scream (peep lol) bloody murder because he doesn’t let go easily.
With this batch of pullets that I have now, I don't think I have seen them pecking at each other at all. Even the one that was sickly for a while didn't get bullied. Strange. Now they chase each other and chest bump, but no one sided aggression. I better knock on wood. :oops:
Oh, except for space on the roost at night. All 8 try to get into a two foot area, lol.
Just to follow up. We built a much larger container to let the chicks grow in. The little bully has calmed down, still pecking some but not as aggressive and everyone seems happier
Sometimes using a red heat lamp or a plate heater calms down baby aggression. The bright light of regular heat lamps seems to make everything so interesting (or anger inducing)that they peck at everything. I've had some game breeds try to peck the eyes out of their siblings while they themselves aren't even out of the egg completely lol.
That sounds terrifying.
It was a batch of Asil and I noticed 2 bloody chicks in the incubator window. I was afraid theyd come early and would bleed out and die. But one who had the top of her shell off was violently pecking a chick who'd already hatched. They both had bloody little faces. Both birds actually grew up to have very good disposition surprisingly

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