New chicken owner and one of my girls got attacked!


Nov 3, 2015
I am a new chicken owner, I had my flock out free ranging this morning. I had just checked in on them, walked inside for 2 mins, loud commotion outside, I headed out back and my chickens were scattered all over our yard. I found one of my chickens in the front yard, she was injured. The skin under her feathers is torn, it seems to have stopped bleeding, but I need to know if I can nurse her back to health or if trying to heal the wound is just causing her to suffer more. I have separated her from the rest of the flock, but again since I am so new to chickens I am not sure what to do about this attack. I have a sneaking suspicion it was a hawk since one is still circling our yard. Any information would be much appreciated! Please help!!

Can you flush it with vetrycin or some weak betadine solution? Try to keep her calm and warm, if the bleeding stopped that is good. She may be in shock.

If she seems alert you could offer some scrambled egg before bed. If she makes it through the night, and it sounds like she will, you just have to keep an eye out for infection. Be careful about putting her back into the flock though, the other birds may pick at the wound if they see blood.

Chickens often survive some pretty severe injuries.
Where is the injury? One piece of advice that I can give you is to not keep her un attended outside, even if she is seperate from the flock. That is a mistake I will never make again. The reason is because flys will lay maggots on the injury and will infest the wound. It is not fun for you or your chicken to have to take maggots out of a wound! I have personally not had to take care of an ijnured chicken, but if I were in your position I would just let it rest in a dog crate inside. Maybe even buy some antibiotics, or some wound spray from TSC.
The injury is on her left side below her wing, looks like something grabbed her, still not totally sure what. I will have to get betadine because I don't have any on hand. I brought her back into the garage and put her in the brooding box I used. Do I need to stitch it closed?
I agree with Sonya9 and chixcoop: Get it cleaned and sprayed with Veterycin or weak betadine solution. Separate her from the flock until she heals. Give her some treats. Keep flies away.
Thank you all so much. I never had to deal with anything like this. I was kinda freaking out.

It's understandable and you were lucky to have not lost any. If hawks (eagles or owls) are common in your area you'll need to look into ways to protect them going forward. BYC has a lot of information for different ideas and situations. If you have questions... just ask.
The injury is on her left side below her wing, looks like something grabbed her, still not totally sure what. I will have to get betadine because I don't have any on hand. I brought her back into the garage and put her in the brooding box I used. Do I need to stitch it closed?
I wouldn't stitch it, at this point it is a "dirty wound" so stitching is a bad idea since germs could get sealed inside. You will likely want it to heal from the inside out so germs/infection don't get trapped under the skin.

Depending on the size of your yard you could look into avian netting, Amazon has a large (50 x 50 ft) net for about $50 and that stuff is super strong. I use that over the pen to prevent hawk attacks and it works very well.
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Blue note or red note will work on that wound. Feed store will carry both. Coat with either and stay on it, you may have to take the scab off after a week or so an infection may developed underneath it, swab it again with either. Wear gloves either will stain your hands, blue not if the other birds may peck at it. I have had dogs maul a few of my birds, and I mean badly these two topical's worked great. Stay on it and give her some TLC she'll be fine

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