New Chicken

fowl farm

7 Years
May 9, 2012
What danger, disease-wise, would a new chicken, full grown or chick, pose to my flocks? I have chickens, ducks, and guineas.
New birds that come in bring in whatever germs and parasites they have in their bodies into your flock. This can be protozoans like coccidia, or larger parasites like mites, lice, or worms. In addition, the new bird may be carrying germs for coryza, CRD or other respiratory infections. Some of these things your birds may have been exposed to at one time and have some immunity to, but others could potentially infect your whole flock. It's a good practice to quarantine a new bird for at least a week before introducing her to the rest of the flock, to give you a head's up on any potential health problems.

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