New Chickens.


Jun 1, 2019
Western North Carolina.
Hello everyone who reads this, I just need people’s opinions on what other chickens we should get. We have 3 golden comets and I think we should get more. Where as someone else wants ameraucanas for their eggs or any heritage breed (RIR, Barred rock, etc.) Our demand for chickens here is low and I just want to get more golden comets because they’re cheap, convenient, and the hens would get along. Does anyone agree with my viewpoint or does diversity seem better?
I agree with your rationale. If you’d really like to diversify maybe get a larger docile heritage breed so that your current girls don’t get picked on and neither do the new ones.
I'm new to chickens as of May. I selected a mixed flock-- 13 chickens, 6 different breeds--because I don't know what I like yet, I wanted several different egg colors, and I'm curious about the different breeds. If you're happy with the golden comets and know that they are what you want, then I don't see any reason why you should feel pressured to get different breeds. Pretty sure that chickens don't care about variety. And having only one kind might make it easier if you want to raise/breed your own birds. I'm having lots of fun watching my various chicks of different breeds grow up, and while I'm pretty sure I don't want to hatch the eggs if we end up with a rooster (might make some weird mixes), they all get along great so far (knock on wood), and they were easily acquired from an online hatchery (Meyer's). I don't expect that they are show quality but they were fairly inexpensive (a few dollars each). Shipping was around $35, however. From my limited understanding, it's always a bit stressful to introduce new birds to an established flock, no matter the breed, because they have to establish a new pecking order, but I haven't had to try it yet. I'm looking forward to getting new chicks again someday, not so much looking forward to introducing them to the others.
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I'm new to chickens as of May. I selected a mixed flock-- 13 chickens, 6 different breeds--because I don't know what I like yet, I wanted several different egg colors, and I'm curious about the different breeds. If you're happy with the golden comets and know that they are what you want, then I don't see any reason why you should feel pressured to get different breeds. Pretty sure that chickens don't care about variety. And having only one kind might make it easier if you want to raise/breed your own birds. I'm having lots of fun watching my various chicks of different breeds grow up, and while I'm pretty sure I don't want to hatch the eggs if we end up with a rooster (might make some weird mixes), they all get along great so far (knock on wood), and they were easily acquired from an online hatchery (Meyer's). I don't expect that they are show quality but they were fairly inexpensive (a few dollars each). Shipping was around $35, however. From my limited understanding, it's always a bit stressful to introduce new birds to an established flock, no matter the breed, because they have to establish a new pecking order, but I haven't had to try it yet. I'm looking forward to getting new chicks again someday, not so much looking forward to introducing them to the others.

I respect your narrative, and I completely agree. We are thinking about letting our hens hatch a clutch if their instinct gets the best. I am definitely looking into more golden comets. I don’t really worry about their pecking order because they’ve never inflicted any harm to one another. I do like the breed as it’s an all round good bird but it isn’t considered a long lived bird but who knows. I appreciate the advice and it’s very helpful.

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