New Chicks- EE mixed with ...silkie? frizzle? Any help on the gender?


10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
Sunny Seminole County, FL
I bought 2 new chicks yesterday at the farm swap. I think the seller was a fellow BYC'er.....Pamela? are you here?

We are hoping we guessed right & ended up with 2 pullets as my Buff Orpington s/him sounded like he was trying to crow today

This is Annie. She's about 4 weeks legs, 4 toes, some feathers on feet.

She has some sort of scratch on her beak...not sure where that came from.

What do you guys think about the "pouf" on her head? Will that go away?

Here is Hemingway....~2 weeks old, black legs, 5 toes on one foot and some feathering on both feet.

Wing coloring..

I had to mess with the exposure on this one so you could see flash.

I wasn't planning on getting babies...wanted some older pullets but "littles" were all they had. They are currently living in a dog crate with a waterer and all the medicated feed they can eat. Is it okay to start intro'ing veggie scraps now or should I wait until they are older?

Thanks for any input you can offer!!

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