new coop begun-two years later and we're still working on it

You have next week off too, right? You should be able to get a ton done on it if the weather holds up. I'm working on a cedar log gazebo/ trellis all weekend.
Cant wait to see some new updated pics!
That sounds great!
We'll do some. We've got puppy-proofing to work on as well. Today we did start covering the pen so they'll be safer from hawks. It's a start!
Can u send me lots of pics and information in your free time? I love this and after my frame didn't work out for coop I was planning, I convinced mom to buy starplate kit
Free time, huh??? Um, yeah, if you can be a little patient I'll get more pictures. It's still very much unfinished so I haven't taken anymore, but I will. This weekend sounds like it will be very nice here so we will be out in the yard! I'll make sure to get some then.
Oh, I won't be doing anything until June

Same as you, what was I thinking FREE time. LOL
Nothing in this world is free. But I have about 3 sketches,
one including this type. I just can't decide. Maybe I should
build one of each LOL
LOL, I just razzed you on your puppy thread about getting more pictures of her posted. Let's make it a contest. Will you get pictures of Angel on before I get coop pictures????

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