New Coop

I love your windows. As you can see from my picture, I added "sky lights" to my coop and have them on both sides. The tractor will be in a shaded area, so I will have to see how this works out next summer. Nice job.
a picture window and sliding doors! Wow, your chickens must think they're living in a real people house! I think you'll have neighbors thinking your chicken house is nicer than their house! LOL!
I had to put cardboard over lower parts of windows to keep the girls from flying into the windows for now. I am going to try slowly cutting some off each day until its gone. I got 2 ameraucanas and 4 cinnimon Queens, last night was first night in coop. Boy do I have alot to learn. They are 7 months old and suppose to be laying but where I got them they had 100 so not sure all my 6 are laying yet. I figured it would take a while for them to settle in. Plus they were free ranging and now they are just in coop and run. May have to redesign poop board as they walk on it in between roast boards?
Will add some boards in run to give them something climb around on. Maybe an old step ladder.
Lovely coop. The hens will take a little while to get used to their new surroundings, be patient.
You may have to go out in the evenings for a week or so and put them up onto the roosts so they get the idea.
Ladder in the run is a great idea or maybe just a carpenters saw horse or two.

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