New England duck owners, any eggs yet?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 10, 2009
Phillipston, MA
Wondering when my girls will start laying. I'm in MA and my ducks were born in May. My buff layed for a few months in the fall, but my Cayuga girl and Cayuga mix have never layed.

Just curious when to expect to go from no eggs to too many.
I couldn't wait for nature to take its course, so I started lighting them the last week of January and finally got eggs last week! I am getting 2/day out of 7 girls. I expect the other girls to catch on soon
We're in upstate NY and have 4 buffs and 2 pekins from end of May hatchings.....they started laying around 6 months and have been going strong ever since! We haven't used lights so expected them to slow down...but nope - daily eggs here!

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