New Girl Here... How to Get Around Minimum Orders

Thank you all so much for the feedback! It's ridiculous how excited I am to begin this...I've got my brooder box and supplies ready to go, and I'm armed to the teeth with knowledge, thanks to you folks.

As a few have suggested, I did check Craigslist, and to my surprise, there was a brand new post offering some Americaunas being hatched tomorrow a few towns over - yay! So I might start with a few of those.

Also, as luck would have it, I stopped by to visit the one and only other person I know who raises chickens. Honestly, I thought she was set with her flock...and then she asked if I wanted to split an order with her. It sounds like I'll get my chickens and eat (their eggs) too!

I am very grateful for all of your help, and look forward to being a part of this community.
Just remember the birds being hatched locally won't be sexed....what if you get all roosters?

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