New Hampshire!!

One of my 25 week old Easter Egger pullets decided to join the laying party at my house today! I love the different colors of eggs. I have 4 more that should start laying soon and am hoping that at least one will lay the blue color. I guess only time will tell.
One of my 25 week old Easter Egger pullets decided to join the laying party at my house today! I love the different colors of eggs. I have 4 more that should start laying soon and am hoping that at least one will lay the blue color. I guess only time will tell.

Thats awesome, i got 3 EE's, two lay very nice blue eggs and one lays an off-white egg, oddly enough the last two days i have gotten green eggs like in your picture from my blue egg layers... does anyone know if green or blue eggs are more rare? here is one of my blue eggs:

One of my 25 week old Easter Egger pullets decided to join the laying party at my house today! I love the different colors of eggs. I have 4 more that should start laying soon and am hoping that at least one will lay the blue color. I guess only time will tell.
What beautiful colors, I am so jealous. The dark brown egg is so pretty. I have three BR's and two EE's. One EE lays a mint green egg and the other one lays a creamy pinkish egg. I hope to get two more EE's this summer to brighten up my basket.
One of my Wheaten Ameraucana's finally laid her first egg today (they are 30 weeks old!) and I have to say it was worth the wait. It is the prettiest blue, absolutely gorgeous! Just thought I'd share my excitement
Egg production seems to really be picking up for me. How about the rest of you? It should be soon to start seeing the turkey eggs also. Congrats serenity on your new Wheaton joining in with the fun!

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