New Hampshire!!

I have 17 that are about 4 - 8 weeks old. 10 girls and 7 boys. I also have my 2 original hens, 2 younger pullets (one uncrested) and 1 younger boy with a floppy comb who is way too colorful for my taste or breeding plan. I am contemplating pairing the uncrested female and floppy comb boy for sale on Craigslist but....not sure what I want to do. The girl should be laying soon if not already as I know that at least one of those younger girls is laying....
I secured the lamp to one of the joists in the coop and since both my coops are tall enough for me to stand in it's relatively high off the ground. I made a stand for the booder to sit on inside the coop so everything is far away from the shavings. I think next year I may purchase one of those wire sided coops that TSC sells and build that inside the coop for a brooder. I have one but I use it for a grow out pen or as a rooster bachelor coop.
Did you get your rooster from Blacksheepcardigan? I sold her 3 earlier this year and she made mention that you may have one. If you have pictures could you post or pm me one so I can see what he looks like? I meant to ask her the same but apparently never sent the message though I remember typing it up.
I did get my boy from blacksheepcardigan. he is colorful with a floopy comb. she gave me the choice of 2. the other one had a straight comb but I just loved my little man. he is sooooo beautiful. I have not taken his picture yet but plan to. I go to work and come home in the dark. yuck. I will see if I can take one this weekend. I do want a legbar girl for my little man. I bought him 2 black polish and 2 silver ameriucaunas. he also has 2 frizzled cochin ladies. he sleeps in between the 2 polish. so cute. he looks like he is wearing a black feather boa.
Hey all!

If you or anyone you know is looking to lighten their chicken flock by 1, please let me know!

We had a small flock of 3 (1 barred rock and 2 RI) that were 6 months old. Perfect age, sweet, friendly...they were our pets for my 4 year old daughter and I fell in love with them too. Unfortunately, we lost 2 of the RIR's yesterday. In the middle of the day while they were free ranging in our yard!!!!! :-(

My 4 year old is devastated as well as I am. I didn't think these little dinosaurs would make me cry so much. I don't want Sally, our barred rock, to be alone all winter and I want to add a younger hen for warmth and eggs. I'm looking for a hardy, large brown egg layer.

We're located in Northwood.
Hi Neighbor! Welcome to BYC!
Before replacing your birds with more birds, You should assess what exactly caused your loss and try to find a solution to it. You probably don't want to keep feeding the wild life and losing your beloved pets. What exactly was it that took your girls? Perhaps we can help you with some advice to make your yard more secure.
Hi Neighbor! Welcome to BYC!
Before replacing your birds with more birds, You should assess what exactly caused your loss and try to find a solution to it. You probably don't want to keep feeding the wild life and losing your beloved pets. What exactly was it that took your girls? Perhaps we can help you with some advice to make your yard more secure.
I totally agree. count me in.
I know it's slow laying season, but I am looking for hatching eggs around southern NH. Hoping for pretty hens that lay pretty eggs. Would like to have them by 11/25 if possible. NPIP certified flock only please.
anyone know where i can bring 2-3 chickens to have processed? thanks!

We process our own, so I'm not really sure. We had our pig processed this year at a place up in North Haverhill. If that's close to you at all, I can look up the name and you can give them a call to see if they do poultry. One of my co-workers who lives in VT has a guy who does poultry-processing house calls. Sounds convenient, but we always figured it was cheaper to just slaughter our own. Anyway, if no one else has suggestions for you, I can try to track down contact info for you.
thanks.. i guess i should try to find out how to do it - I am sure it wont be the last time... I cant say butchering chickens has ever been on my bucket list, but I know people do it all the time.... . Let me know if you come up with anyone - Thank you!
thanks.. i guess i should try to find out how to do it - I am sure it wont be the last time... I cant say butchering chickens has ever been on my bucket list, but I know people do it all the time.... . Let me know if you come up with anyone - Thank you!

I never thought I'd kill a chicken, either! Not that I was ever explicitly against it, it just never occurred to me that it'd be part of my life, heh. But once I decided I wanted to breed chickens, I figured I'd better put my big girl pants on and learn how to process the extra roos that you inevitably have when you hatch your own eggs. I'm still mostly new at it, I think we've done less than a dozen total. But we're getting better at it and I figure I owe it to them to do it right and do it quick. Not that someone you pay to do it won't do it right; they're pros after all! I just felt like it should be my responsibility, you know? And there's a ton of info here on backyard chickens, mostly in the meat birds forum, if you want to learn. That's how I learned to do ours, I read everything I could find. Anyway, philosophical thoughts aside, here's the place we used to slaughter our pig this year (since, as much as I'd like to process my own pig, there's no way I have the facilities for an animal that large! chickens are easy by comparison!!!): Their website seems to be under construction still, but the contact info is there so you could ask what they'd charge for poultry. I'll try to talk to my co-worker on Monday about the visit-your-home processor.
I know it's slow laying season, but I am looking for hatching eggs around southern NH. Hoping for pretty hens that lay pretty eggs. Would like to have them by 11/25 if possible. NPIP certified flock only please.

Did you find any? If not, you might try the NH Chicken Swaps thread, there are a lot of breeders that frequent that thread, someone might be able to help you out. I got some day old chicks on short notice from nhnanna through that thread, back in summer. I had a bad hatch of my own and didn't want my few chickies to grow up lonely, lol. They turned out to be some of the sweetest little critters I've ever had. :)

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