New Hampshire!

Opps half foot of snow
this ole mind...sorry !
My sister sent me some turkeys the other day... They are real buggers... I watched as they chased down a few flies rentlessly until they were able to gobble them up ") I think they would eat ticks too.
If anyone is looking for roosters, chicks or hatching eggs I have the following available right now

2 - 10week old Japanese Bantam Roosters FREE
2 - 8week old Black Sexlink Roosters FREE

day old chicks - French Black Copper and Blue Copper Marans

French Black Copper and Blue Copper Marans Hatching eggs 12+extras

PM me with any interest
Here's my EE Zelda bringing her six chicks out for the first time, they are one week old. Out of the eight beautiful eggs I bought from you, we ended up with three LF chicks and three bantams. One egg was a quitter and one bantam chick died during hatch because it's egg rolled into a piece of shell, otherwise it would have made it. Now to wait and see who's hen and who's roo. I don't know if wing feather sexing works but if so, one LF chick is male and one bantam chick is male and the rest might be female. Will have to wait and see. I can't wait for some olive colored eggs! Thanks again.
You are very welcome!!! Im so glad to see she has 6 chicks out with her. I love to see Mamas with their babies. My Bantam EE Ziggy(she is mom to your bantams) just hatched some chicks of her own a few days after your chicks hatched. 3 LF 2bantam, set 5 eggs under her and all hatched.
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