New Hampshire!

hi, on the off chance that there would be somebody here on the forum in 'manchester'? -- my son just arrived yesterday, in wellington hill wherever that is; he is there mostly to work (u.s. citizen, israeli born)... my sis lives in newton mass, so will be hosting him for shabbat (friday saturday) mostly, but was curious if there was anybody actually in the manchester/wellington hill area? also, if there is someone there, could someone explain to me/him about public transportation for getting around?
he's only been there one day but has heard that people there mostly keep to themselves compared to how we live here, so asking down-the-street neighbhors apparently isnt done///

and if there are any jewish families in his area (could be maybe also non jewish, but he eats basic kosher- i.e. no meat and milk at same meal, and no pork or shellfish), who are willing to host him for shabbat, that would be cool also (he obviously will also hang out with other roommates, and obviously wont starve to death or whatever,and is fairly social, and the girls seem to like him, but , you know, being a mother blablabla....
he's 22, loves dogs exlpecially boxers, and soccer (so if there is a friendly get together team, that also would make his day)... just asking in general, not sure if that's a done thing there... here im always putting up somebody's kid thats here on a project/program ,for laundry, good food and 'home time' before they continue travelling.
well, if there is someone , let me know, not sure that he will want to visit, was just an idea... he seemed sort of forelorn cause he didnt see poeple just 'hanging out' on their porches or whatever, when we skyped, maybe jetleg and some culture shock...
forgot to add, willing to reciprocate for anyone coming over here ever on a visit...we are just outside of jerusalem.

now he's gone for five months, and hte oldest with her SI are moving to san diego area for some JEWISH urban food/farming program in august, and the youngest is going to army in three more months...
empty nest syndrome... time to get some house chickens or an other dog...
You are very welcome!!! Im so glad to see she has 6 chicks out with her. I love to see Mamas with their babies. My Bantam EE Ziggy(she is mom to your bantams) just hatched some chicks of her own a few days after your chicks hatched. 3 LF 2bantam, set 5 eggs under her and all hatched.
They are so cute and (of course) look just like ours! I hope Zelda is broody every spring, I could do this every year just for the fun of it - as long as I can find homes for the excess babies.
Hi Everyone! I just purchased 2 Cochin=1 and splash-blue and 1 blue both born 5/18/2012. They say in this site that they go broody. I'm new to this,breeding process.
Having 4 Americana's and 2 RIR's,2 Silkies=1 black, & 1 Chipmunk, 2 buff Orpingtons, 4 Wyandottes= Colombian, Goldenlace & Silverlace and 1 Goldenlace Cocerial ,
I would love to raise a few chicks of my own! I have purchased and were given most of these.
If I were to do this, what should I look for in a supplier of (?) hopefully fertile eggs.

1. Should I stick to their color?
2. I would like some different color's, Cochins..What color to what color?
3. I would like to have a few different chickens, would the Cochins hatch them?
4.Is this encouraging the hen to continue being broody?
I can't believe myself at times. I always ask, and ask and forget to say Thank you cuz I want to make sure I have asked all the questions that I want answered. So Thank you for reading all of this and if you answer me Thank you for all the work that will go into answering all of my questions!
Thank you
Thanks for the plug...
. We are doing one more hatch, going in this week. We only sell straight run, though. PM me if you are interested.
Hi again, I don't know how to PM? But want to ask about your Dominiques, if not for this year, maybe pre-order for next? If you could let me know how to PM I could give you my info??? Thanks so much! I did even more reading on them and really like that they tend towards being broody, as I want to raise my own flock and seems the broodiness has been breed out of the hatchery BR's
so I probably won't get any hens that will go broody for me! Hope all is going well and have more questions too...not much up on this internet thing or these boards...sorry

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