New Hampshire!

Hi Chickery-do,

I too had a miserable time peeling hard boiled eggs till I found this thread. It works!!
Did you happen to see how many people have so many different ways to cook them! I've tried the ice bit, diff time lengths, burner off and on and I've had friends who have said the same thing to me after they've tried my (fresh) eggs. My girls eat oyster s. like it's candy for gods sake. And their shells are so hard to break anyway, I make them I just don't pass them out to anyone, ANYWAY
Do you leave them in the shell ( I'm for that)
or do you peel them (there soo dam hard to peel)
my wife says she cuts them in 1/2 when she wants to eat one
then she gets a spoon & scoops the egg out of the shell

works for me
This may sound stupid but I have a Pekin Duck that I wanted to spend time w/ it. So the bathroom floor was the only one that I could clean easily, close the door and keep them close to me, sort of. I wantd them to love me and they were always running away. Do you have a room like that that the cat can't get in and their safe and close to you?! Animal Lover Here! lol

Hi chickery-do,

Sorry I missed this. Have been so busy getting the coop up, moving chicks, cleaning cabin, gardens, then socializing with the chicks...thanks for the idea, no I don't really have a room like that, the bathroom is kitties bathroom also
it's the only closing door in the cabin, It really is a small cabin but I love it here!

The chicks have been in their coup for 2 weeks, wow has the time gone by fast! We have made friends, most of us...they use me for a jungle gym when I am doing chores lol. some will let me pick them up and they sit in my hand!!! I put up some pics on the "sexing barred rock" thread in raising baby chicks...they are growing sooo fast. I love watching them and interacting with them. They are learning that if I come to their coop, it means, food, treats, water, or attention...past few days they are trying to follow me out the door, but are still too little to free range...but alas, now too big to use their brooder box as a playpen also...hoping the run will be done this week-end. Mostly cosmetics left on the coop and hardware for windows and door....have cheap on for temp. Did some riggin, to get them in it. Can't do the coop until the run is done...put the roof on with them in coop and they didn't like run needs to be done asap!!!

For hatchery birds, I am pleased with them, so far. I DO have 3 cockerels for sure now! One is my dominant and he is nice, so far, and lighter than all the, a darker cockerel, I am watching...he may have to go to freezer camp...that leaves me with 12 this fall I should have some pullet eggs, yippie!!! Gonna have to send atleast ONE of the cockerels to "camp" as 3 is too many, 2 might be too many, but hoping not...and I have a pretty good idea which one, the darkest one I have been watching...he doesn't like me messing with his hens, although they aren't HUIS hens, as he is not the dominant far, I have been right on with my" guesses" ! He actually runs up to me and pecks on my feet when he hears a pullet having a fit, a few still don't like being picked up, especialy my dominant pullet...but they do all come to me, some fly up on me, and one sits on my shoulder when I do chores lol. I have found that if I reach under them to pick them up, instead of trying to reach down, I can very easily pick them up...and then set them on my hand and then others will fly up on my arms and lay down and roost...amazing since I really hadn't had physical contact with them till 3 weeks, when I moved them to their coop...but I DO go out and spend socializing time with them every day. I am not about to chase a chicken around, if for some reason I need to catch it!!!

Really enjoying this whole journey!!! Really want to go the heritage route next spring though!!! I can see a huge difference in these hatchery chicks and the ones me and my Daddy used to Daddies must've been heritage...they looked just like the heritage ones do now...

Well, couldn't sleep, too excited about the run possibly being finished this week-end, so thought I'd check up on this thread, Hi everyone!!! gotta go try!!! Thanks so much for answering my post and the suggestions!!!!
Just wanted to say HELLO
I am new to the NH thread. I live in Milton Mills and currently have 2 (16wk hens) buff orpington and 2 (6wk sex unknown right now) white silkie. Tomorrow I'll be picking up two girls- a silver laced wyandotte bantam & an ameraucana bantam. Glad to have found the thread and look forward to chatting with everyone.

Hi and welcome to BYC! Great bunch of people here, so helpful and kind!!! I have learned a lot and met some great people here in NH also, online that one in person yet.

I have 15 hatchery BR's, 12 pullets and 3 cockerels...just getting back into chickens, after quite a few years and much has changed! Loving it too!

anyone going to the Carroll County farm day tomorrow?
i live in carroll county but have never been to their farm day
i'll be over at the chicken swap in sanford maine tomorrow
if you plan on going to the farm day please report back to us
i might want to check it out next year

Have been wondering how things are going with the chicken swaps starting here again and how the MG/MS problem is going? Anyone know if we are making any positive progress?

I love to learn, and got into some of the diseases thread and flock management threads. I was shocked at the amount of back yard diseases that are so prevalent in the back yard flocks!!!

I have been out of the chicken scene for so long, I had no idea there was such a huge problem. I am so glad I stumbled onto some of those threads though! Although I DO practice biosecurity and have a closed flock, I am getting heritage birds, Lord willing, next spring. Any advice, besides quarantine, that I should know about when adding to my closed flock?

I haven't seen anything on BYC about adding heritage birds, so thought I would ask you guys, since some of you have them. How do you guys add to your flock? ( If you do ) I did read that chicks should be vaccinated, but there is a lot of good reasons to breed for immunity also. What do you all think and do as far as vaccinate vs. breed for immunity and why?

Do any of you that go to swaps, shows, or other places with lots of poultry find any problems with that...such as, bringing disease into your flock, or not, and why is that?

It seems to be a touchy subject on other threads, and find if I come to my home state thread, I get honest answers!

Just trying to learn and keep my flock healthy and clean, and find it best to learn from the experts also!

Thanks all!!!
Unfortunately didn't make it, though I am curious how it went, my 19 minth old had other plans for us
they do that at times :) no worries
Have been wondering how things are going with the chicken swaps starting here again and how the MG/MS problem is going? Anyone know if we are making any positive progress?

I love to learn, and got into some of the diseases thread and flock management threads. I was shocked at the amount of back yard diseases that are so prevalent in the back yard flocks!!!

I have been out of the chicken scene for so long, I had no idea there was such a huge problem. I am so glad I stumbled onto some of those threads though! Although I DO practice biosecurity and have a closed flock, I am getting heritage birds, Lord willing, next spring. Any advice, besides quarantine, that I should know about when adding to my closed flock?

I haven't seen anything on BYC about adding heritage birds, so thought I would ask you guys, since some of you have them. How do you guys add to your flock? ( If you do ) I did read that chicks should be vaccinated, but there is a lot of good reasons to breed for immunity also. What do you all think and do as far as vaccinate vs. breed for immunity and why?

Do any of you that go to swaps, shows, or other places with lots of poultry find any problems with that...such as, bringing disease into your flock, or not, and why is that?

It seems to be a touchy subject on other threads, and find if I come to my home state thread, I get honest answers!

Just trying to learn and keep my flock healthy and clean, and find it best to learn from the experts also!

Thanks all!!!
i do not go to the NH swaps with my birds
1st they want $8 for a BS set up fee

then i have to spend another $15 for gas for the truck
so i'm already in the hole 23 bucks
i have been going over to the TSC swaps in Sanford Maine
i just pay for gas , no setup fee

i am doing well over there selling buff orpington pullets & a few cockerels

now as far as heritage birds goes i was lucky enough to get some offspring from a well known orpington breeder
i have a guy showing up today who is buying my ready to lay pullets who i added to put some new blood into the flock
no need for them now that i have my new high quality birds that meet the standards of profection for the breed

have a great day everyone
I have 5 Imported English Chocolate Bantam Orpington Roos available. They hatched out this spring and are now ready to court your hens.
Inquiries Welcome.

Piglet took 3 of the roos to the swap in Maine last Saturday and sold them for me. Congrats to the new owners and to the boys for their new life. I held on to the other 2 roos ... They are available. PM me your inquiries please

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