New Hampshire!

Really in Littleton ? Where ? I am working in Littleton from 2-6 but maybe I can pop in.
I live in Dalton.. still building my coop. have to get the rest of the chickens in tit. So I am either working at Home Depot in Littleton or working on the coop. Haven't been even on the computer much, happy I signed in today.
I'm not sure on the hours, I will be down there Thursday night from 7pm to 7am working on the ambulance, so I can check then and post a time. Glad to see another member in the area, I'm in Jefferson, been buying lots of supplies at Home Depot!

I've got the 4 Barred Rocks, they are like little puppies when we are outside, we too have done the food and calling to them, they are at the point now if we just go outside they will come running because they know we like to give treats. If we can't see them I just call and it's laughable to see them running out from wherever they are. The 5 little ones are now in another coop because the 4 original birds aren't getting along with them. I have the runs attached on the end so they can get used to each other and see each other more, probably in a couple weeks I will try to get them in the same coop again. I have found sunny and moosho aren't friendly to them at all, penny and whitey are tolerant, but the others are mean still to them, so until they get bigger and ready, they are in a smaller coop. The little birds are getting names, pumpkin is the buff, can't remember the barred's name and the 3 RI reds are yet to be named, haven't shown enough personality to get names and it's hard to tell them apart still.

Spent a good deal of time outside with them all tonight, had different birds on my lap sitting at the run for the little ones, I had sunny and moosho sit and relax with me for a while watching the little ones. The bigger birds are pigs now, they used to be gentle when taking bread or treats from my hand, now they try to get the whole thing and sneak up on me when I'm feeding pieces and try to snatch the whole thing from my other hand.

Tons of fun!
Hi NHING, I have RIR's and I find them to be to aggressive. I've been trying to get my girls from March's hatch together w/ my Americana's & RIR's and some are not liking it either! I'll wait a little longer. I have 3 pens I'm trying to make into 1 hopefully by fall. Plus this weekend I picked up some sizzles that a guy has to cut down his coop cuz of town reg.s. Luckily they were born in march to! I can hopefully get them w/ my silkies my nieces daughter gave me (part of 1 pen) if all else fails. I wanted barred rocks also but could not find them last year, that's why I have the RIR's :( they always want first pickings and snap at the Americana's to go away. I would love to go to the swap, just to meet people but he's coming up from Salem at noon he says so I have to stick arnd. yay but na. If you hear of someone from Gorham area let me know ;) Enjoy, wish I could meet you there/ If he comes early, but DD needs to be at the mill for four so I'm on a tight sheldule. argggggg.
hens $5 each roosters free-they were running through the sprinkler earlier so some of them look a bit bedraggled
(white face black spanish and Breda are not for sale)
located in cornish

rooster silkie mix

(front row left to right) standard mottled frizzle cochin roo, standard black frizzle cochin hen, silkie mix roo

standard frizzle cochin hen

Frizzle in the middle - i thought it was a boy but I am not sure -free either way

Black marans hen and white silkie mix hen

same as above photos, cochin, silkie mix and frizzle

frizzle cochin

frizzle cochin roo and islandic (three islandics available- not sure about genders so free)

white silkie mix

beautiful roo silkie mix
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hens $5 each roosters free-they were running through the sprinkler earlier so some of them look a bit bedraggled (white face black spanish and Breda are not for sale) located in cornish rooster silkie mix (front row left to right) standard mottled frizzle cochin roo, standard black frizzle cochin hen, silkie mix roo standard frizzle cochin hen Frizzle in the middle - i thought it was a boy but I am not sure -free either way Black marans hen and white silkie mix hen same as above photos, cochin, silkie mix and frizzle frizzle cochin frizzle cochin roo and islandic (three islandics available- not sure about genders so free) white silkie mix beautiful roo silkie mix
I'd love the Marans hen but no way to get here
I love them all but I just have way too many chickens at the moment so these were the ones i decided to part with. it's killing me though lol every time I look at them I want to change my mind and keep them. lol
Just wanted to say HELLO :) I am new to the NH thread. I live in Milton Mills and currently have 2 (16wk hens) buff orpington and 2 (6wk sex unknown right now) white silkie. Tomorrow I'll be picking up two girls- a silver laced wyandotte bantam & an ameraucana bantam. Glad to have found the thread and look forward to chatting with everyone.

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